(BRA) Set up the return of items that are not sold by salespersons


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Legal entities that employ salespersons for door-to-door sales issue fiscal documents that have Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) and Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) taxes. When a salesperson sells items, you can create a new sales order.

Items that are not sold by a salesperson are returned. In this case, the remittance return from the salesperson for the sale of items involves recording a purchase order for the items that are returned. This operation is performed by using the transit warehouse, because the operation resembles a transfer of stock from one warehouse to another warehouse.

  1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Brazil > Operation type. Create an operation type that has the following setup:

    • Select the Create inventory movements check box to specify that the operation type generates inventory movement.


      To create inventory-related ledger transactions, you must select the Post physical inventory and Post financial inventory check boxes on the Setup tab in the Item model groups form.

    For more information, see (BRA) Set up operation types.

  2. Click General ledger > Reports > Base data > Sales tax codes. Create ICMS and IPI sales tax codes. For more information, see (BRA) Set up tax codes

  3. Click General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Sales tax groups. Create a sales tax group, and then attach the ICMS and IPI sales tax codes to the sales tax group.

  4. Click Organization administration > Setup > Brazil > Fiscal document source texts. Create fiscal document source text for the fiscal document. For more information, see (BRA) Set up a fiscal document source text.

  5. Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.


    Click Procurement and sourcing > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  6. To record this operation, create a purchase order that has the operation type, sales tax group, and fiscal document source text that you created. For more information, see(BRA) Create and post a purchase order .

  7. Post the purchase order.

See also

(BRA) Operation type (form)

(BRA) Sales tax codes (modified form)

(BRA) Sales tax groups (modified form)

(BRA) Fiscal document source texts (form)