BackupInfo Properties


Applies To: SQL Server (starting with 2016)

Namespace:   Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Core (in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Core.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubproperty AllowOverwrite

Gets or sets the property indicating whether the destination files can be overwritten during backup.

System_CAPS_pubproperty ApplyCompression

Gets or sets property that indicates whether the backup will be compressed or not.

System_CAPS_pubproperty BackupRemotePartitions

Gets or sets property that indicates whether remote partitions will be backed up or not.

System_CAPS_pubproperty File

Gets or sets the name of the file to back up to.

System_CAPS_pubproperty Locations

Gets or sets the locations where the backup will be stored.

System_CAPS_pubproperty Password

Gets or sets the password to be used with backup file encryption.

See Also

BackupInfo Class
Microsoft.AnalysisServices Namespace

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