ListingDataManager Methods

The ListingDataManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateMissingListingPrices Insert blank listing price records into the database if any are missing for listing records
Public method DeleteExpiredListings Deletes listings that have expired.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ExecuteNonQuery (Inherited from DataManager.)
Protected method ExecuteStoredProcedure<T> Overloaded.
Protected method ExecuteStoredProcedureNonQuery (Inherited from DataManager.)
Protected method ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar (Inherited from DataManager.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetListingByChannelListingId Retrieves the listing with the specified channel identifier.
Public method GetListingDetails Gets the listing details (including unit of measure).
Public method GetListingPriceByListingId Given a listing identifier, return a single listing price if found in the database.
Public method GetListingPricesByListingIds Given listing identifiers, return all listing prices matching those ids found in the database.
Public method GetListingPricingInfo Gets basic pricing info for items specified in the current request context.
Public method GetListings Overloaded.
Public method GetListingsWithChangedPrice This will query the database for all listings whose prices may have been affected by pricing data synced since last time this method was called. Listings with prices with date effectivity which has become active are also returned.
Public method Static member GetOrSetCurrentPageScope Sets or updates the listing ids as the scope of this request.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method MarkChangedListings Mark the given collection of listing identifiers as updated.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member SetOrUpdateCurrentPageScope Sets or updates the listing ids as the scope of this request.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UpdateListingPrice Given a listing price entity, update it's corresponding database record if found.
Public method UpdateListingPrices Given a listing price entity, update it's corresponding database record if found.
Public method UpdateListingStatuses Updates the listing statuses.
Public method UpdateListingSyncStatus Updates the synchronization status of the listings.


See Also


ListingDataManager Class

Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Data Namespace