ListingPrice Properties

The ListingPrice type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AdjustedPrice Gets or sets the adjusted price for the listing.
Public property BasePrice Gets or sets the base sales price for the item on the listing.
Public property CurrencyCode Gets or sets the code of the currency the prices are expressed in.
Public property DistinctProductVariantId Gets or sets the product variant identifier corresponding to this listing.
Public property EntityName Gets the name of the entity. (Inherited from CommerceEntity.)
Public property ExtensionData Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data. (Inherited from CommerceEntity.)
Public property InventoryDimensionId Gets or sets the optional dimension identifier (for variant) that this listing price applies to.
Public property Item Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. (Inherited from CommerceEntity.)
Public property ItemId Gets or sets the item identifier that this listing price applies to.
Public property ListingId Gets or sets the record identifier of the listing with these prices.
Public property ProductId Gets or sets the product identifier corresponding to this listing.
Public property RecordId Gets or sets the record identifier.
Public property TradeAgreementPrice Gets or sets the trade agreement price for the listing.
Public property UnitOfMeasure Gets or sets the default unit of measure on the listing item.
Public property ValidFrom Gets or sets the date that the listing for this price becomes active.


See Also


ListingPrice Class

Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel Namespace