Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.SharePoint.Web.Common Namespace


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  Class Description
Public class AppSettingNames Application settings names.
Public class CookieConstants Centralized location for managing all of the SharePoint cookies.
Public class CookieException Cookie exception.
Public class CookieManager Manages the domain cookies for the SharePoint storefront site.
Public class FacebookConnector Facebook connector.
Public class FacebookSecurityTokenServiceConfiguration A custom SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration implementation for Facebook.
Public class FacebookSessionCookie Facebook user.
Public class FacebookUser Facebook user.
Public class HttpApplicationStateNames Class to represent statme names of Http application.
Public class QueryStringNames Class to represent names of query strings.
Public class ScriptsManager Manages the core scripts that are needed by the storefront.
Public class TrustedIdentityProviderSecurityTokenService A custom SecurityTokenService implementation for trusted identity providers.
Public class UrlManager Class exposing common Url methods.