StagingUnbatchedCriteria Properties


Namespace:   Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.DataContracts
Assembly:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.Contracts (in Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.Contracts.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubproperty ModelId

Gets or sets the model identifier associated with the unbatched records that will be placed into a new batch.

System_CAPS_pubproperty SourceSystemId

Gets or sets the source system identifier associated with the unbatched records that will be placed into a new batch.

System_CAPS_pubproperty VersionId

Gets or sets the version identifier associated with the unbatched records that will be placed into a new batch.

See Also

StagingUnbatchedCriteria Class
Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.DataContracts Namespace

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