SPWebApplication Members

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Include Inherited Members

Represents an Internet Information Services (IIS) load-balanced Web application that is installed on the server farm.

The SPWebApplication type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPWebApplication() Infrastructure.
Public method SPWebApplication(String, SPWebService, SPApplicationPool) Initializes a new instance of the SPWebApplication class.



  Name Description
Public property AlertFlags Obsolete.
Public property AlertsEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether alerts are allowed in the Web application.
Public property AlertsEventBatchSize Obsolete.
Public property AlertsLimited Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a limit to the number of lists and list items for which a user can create alerts.
Public property AlertsMaximum Gets or sets the maximum number of lists and list items for which a single user can create alerts.
Public property AlertsMaximumQuerySet Gets or sets the maximum number of records in a query set that is associated with this alert object.
Public property AllowAccessToWebPartCatalog Gets or sets a value that indicates whether sites in the Web application can use Web Parts from the global catalog.
Public property AllowPartToPartCommunication Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web application allows Web Parts to communicate with each other.
Public property AlternateUrls Gets the collection of URLs that are routed to the Web application and specifies which zone they come from.
Public property ApplicationPool Gets or sets the application pool that is used by the Web application.
Public property AutomaticallyDeleteUnusedSiteCollections Gets or sets a value specifying whether unused site collections can be automatically deleted.
Public property BlockedFileExtensions Returns the list of file extensions that cannot be uploaded or downloaded from sites in the Web application.
Public property CanMigrate Gets a value indicating whether the settings for the Web application can be migrated from the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web application with which it is paired.
Public property CanRenameOnRestore Gets a value specifying whether the application can be renamed when it is restored.
Public property CanSelectForBackup Gets or sets a value specifying whether the Web application can be backed up.
Public property CanSelectForRestore Gets or sets a value specifying whether the Web application can be restored.
Public property CanUpgrade Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be upgraded. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Public property ChangeLogExpirationEnabled Gets or sets a value specifying whether change logs are deleted after the time span defined in the ChangeLogRetentionPeriod property.
Public property ChangeLogRetentionPeriod Gets or sets the amount of time to preserve change logs.
Public property ContentDatabases Gets a collection of content databases that are available to the Web application.
Public property DataRetrievalProvider Gets settings related to the data retrieval service.
Public property DaysToShowNewIndicator Gets or sets the number of days that the New icon appears next to new list items.
Public property DefaultQuotaTemplate Gets or sets the default quota template used for all site collections.
Public property DefaultServerComment Gets the server comment that is associated with the IIS Web site for use when a comment is not specified by the Web application.
Public property DefaultTimeZone Gets or sets the default time zone for the Web application.
Public property DiskSizeRequired Gets the amount of disk space that is required to back up the Web application.
Public property DisplayName Gets the display name that describes the persisted object instance within the administrative user interface. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property DocumentConversionsEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to enable document conversion.
Public property DocumentConversionsLoadBalancerServerId Gets or sets the ID of the server in the farm that contains the load balancer.
Public property DocumentConversionsLoadBalancerUrl Gets or sets the URL to the load balancer for document conversions.
Public property DocumentConversionsSchedule Gets or sets the schedule for a document conversion timer job.
Public property DocumentConverters Gets a collection of document converters for the Web application.
Public property EmailToNoPermissionWorkflowParticipantsEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to alert users without site permissions when they have been assigned workflow tasks.
Public property EventHandlersEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable event handlers for the Web application.
Public property EventLogRetentionPeriod
Public property ExternalWorkflowParticipantsEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether external users can participate in workflow by sending them a document copy.
Public property Farm Gets the server farm where the object lives. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Features Gets the set of Features activated for the Web application.
Public property FileNotFoundPage Gets or sets the name of an HTML file relative to \\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LAYOUTS\Locale_ID that contains the error information that is used when a file cannot be found.
Public property FormDigestSettings Gets a collection of security validation settings.
Public property Id Gets or sets the GUID that is associated with the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property IisSettings Gets a collection of settings for all IIS instances that belong to the Web application.
Public property InheritDataRetrievalSettings Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web application inherits data retrieval services settings from the central administration application.
Public property IsAdministrationWebApplication Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the Web application is the Central Administration application.
Public property IsPaired Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web application is paired to a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web application.
Public property JobDefinitions Gets the collection of job definitions for the Web application.
Protected property LocalPaths Returns the paths on the local machine to files that are served by the Web application.
Public property MaximumFileSize Gets or sets the size of the largest file that can be uploaded.
Public property MetaWeblogAuthenticationEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to accept the user name and password from the MetaWeblog API.
Public property MetaWeblogEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to enable the MetaWeblog API for the Web application.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name that identifies a particular instance of the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property NeedsUpgrade Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the object needs to be upgraded. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Public property NeedsUpgradeIncludeChildren Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the object should be upgraded, considering the children of the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Public property OfficialFileName Gets or sets the name of the Records Repository Web Service to use to get the official file.
Public property OfficialFileUrl Gets or sets the URL of the Records Repository Web Service to use to get the official file.
Public property OutboundMailCodePage Gets or sets the default code page to use when sending e-mail.
Public property OutboundMailReplyToAddress Gets or sets the default reply-to e-mail address to use when sending e-mail.
Public property OutboundMailSenderAddress Gets or sets the default sender (from) address to use when sending e-mail messages.
Public property OutboundMailServiceInstance Gets or sets the SMTP e-mail service used for sending e-mail.
Public property Parent Gets the ID of the parent class that declares the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property PeoplePickerSettings Gets an object that represents the people picker settings used in the control for selecting users and groups within the Web application.
Public property Policies Gets the collection of security policies that are defined for the Web application, overriding any policies set for a zone.
Public property PolicyRoles Gets the collection of policy roles that are defined for the Web application.
Public property Prefixes Gets the set of paths at which sites may be created.
Public property PresenceEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether presence information will be exposed in the Web application.
Public property Properties Gets a property bag that is used to store properties for the persisted object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property PublicFolderRootUrl Gets or sets the root of the public folder to which the Web application listens for document library e-mail inserts.
Public property RecycleBinCleanupEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether recycle bin cleanup is enabled.
Public property RecycleBinEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the recycle bin is enabled.
Public property RecycleBinRetentionPeriod Gets or sets the number of days items are kept in the recycle bin.
Public property RequireContactForSelfServiceSiteCreation Gets or sets a value indicating whether self-service site creation requires the site owner's contact information.
Public property RichTextEditorShortcutEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to enable keyboard shortcuts in the Content Editor Web Part.
Public property RightsMask Gets or sets the rights mask of the Web application.
Public property RunningJobs Gets the collection of running jobs for the Web application.
Public property SecondStageRecycleBinQuota Gets or sets a value that contains the percentage of storage quota that is allocated to second stage recycle bin.
Public property SelfServiceSiteCreationEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether self-service site creation is available in the application.
Public property SendLoginCredentialsByEmail Gets or sets a value indicating whether a new user's login credentials are sent to them by e-mail when their account is created.
Public property SendUnusedSiteCollectionNotifications Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a notification is sent to owners of unused sites.
Public property Sites Gets the collection of all site collections in the Web application.
Public property Status Gets or sets the status of the object that the class represents. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property SyndicationEnabled Gets or sets a value specifying whether to enable syndication.
Public property TypeName Gets a string that indicates the type of object of the Web application. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.TypeName.)
Public property UnusedSiteNotificationPeriod Gets or sets the amount of time that a site is unused before sending a notification.
Public property UnusedSiteNotificationsBeforeDeletion Gets or sets the number of notifications that are sent before an unused site is deleted.
Public property UpgradeContext Gets additional upgrade context. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Public property UpgradedPersistedProperties Gets the collection of field names and values for fields that were deleted or changed. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public property UserDefinedWorkflowsEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether users can create workflows in the Web application.
Public property Version Gets the time that the object was last updated. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property WebConfigModifications Gets a collection of web.config modifications that are applied across all servers for the Web application.
Public property WebService Gets the parent Web service of the Web application.



  Name Description
Public method AddBackupObjects Adds the Web application and its children to the backup/restore job. This method implements the AddBackupObjects method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method Clone Returns a clone of the object that does not come from the in-memory cache, which enables calling code to help ensure thread safety. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Delete Removes the Web application and some of the resources that it owns. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.Delete().)
Public method Equals Determines whether the current persisted object equals the specified object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChild<T>() Returns the child of the persisted object based on the specified type. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetChild<T>(String) Returns the child object of the persisted object based on the specified name. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for the persisted object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetIisSettingsWithFallback Returns the set of IIS settings for the specified zone.
Public method GetObjectData Retrieves the data required to serialize the object. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Protected methodStatic member GetRequestPath Gets the path of the Web request.
Public method GetResponseUri(SPUrlZone) Returns the absolute root of the URI for the given zone.
Public method GetResponseUri(SPUrlZone, String) Returns the absolute root of the URI for the given zone and appends the specified path to the end.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GrantAccessToProcessIdentity Grants the specified user access to the process identity (in other words, gives full control) of the SharePoint Web application.
Protected method InstallFiles Installs the Microsoft ASP .NET configuration and resource files that are required to provision the application.
Public method Invalidate Invalidates computed property values of the IUpgradable interface. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Public methodStatic member Lookup Finds the Web application with the specified URL.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Migrate() Migrates the settings from a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web application with which the Web application is paired.
Public method Migrate(Boolean) Migrates the settings from a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web application with which the Web application is paired, with the option of including all children.
Public method OnAbort Called when the backup terminates unexpectedly. This method implements the OnAbort method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method OnBackup Called when the Web application is being backed up. This method implements the OnBackup method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method OnBackupComplete Called after the backup has completed. This method implements the OnBackupComplete method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Protected method OnDeserialization Called after the object has been deserialized from the file system cache or the database. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.OnDeserialization().)
Public method OnPostRestore Called after the Web application has been restored. This method implements the OnPostRestore method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method OnPrepareBackup Called before the backup begins. This method implements the OnPrepareBackup method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method OnPreRestore Called before the Web application restore begins. This method implements the OnPreRestore method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method OnRestore Called when the Web application is being restored. This method implements the OnRestore method defined in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface. The SPWebApplication class can be backed up and restored and must therefore implement the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup.IBackupRestore interface, but this method is only intended to be callable from Windows SharePoint Services catastrophic backup and restore infrastructure code.
Public method Provision Provisions the application on the local server, including content databases if necessary. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.Provision().)
Public method ProvisionGlobally
Protected method RemoveIdentityFromLocalGroups Removes the current application pool from local groups if it is not used by other Web applications on the server.
Public method ToString Returns the type and name of an object and of all its ancestors (parent, grandparent, and so on). (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Uncache Frees the memory cache that is used by the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Unprovision Removes the Web application from all local Internet Information Services (IIS) Web sites. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.Unprovision().)
Public method UnprovisionGlobally
Public method Update() Causes the Web application to serialize its state and propagate changes throughout the server farm. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.Update().)
Public method Update(Boolean) Causes the object to save its state and propagate changes to all the computers in the server farm based on a Boolean value that specifies whether to raise an exception if the object already exists. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method UpdateCredentials Updates credentials in the database when a username or password changes.
Public method UpdateMailSettings Updates the e-mail settings that are used when Windows SharePoint Services sends email.
Protected method UpdateParent Causes the containing SPPersistedObject, if one exists, to update its state. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method Upgrade() Upgrades the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Public method Upgrade(Boolean) Upgrades the object, and if a Boolean parameter equals true, recursively upgrades all descendants of the current object. (Inherited from SPPersistedUpgradableObject.)
Protected method Validate Validates the state of the Web application before persisting the object. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.Validate().)
Public method ZonePolicies Returns the set of policies that apply to the specified zone.


See Also


SPWebApplication Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration Namespace