IScriptingSession Interface


Releases the allocated resources within the Scripting session.

public interface class IScriptingSession : IDisposable, Microsoft::SqlServer::Management::Sdk::Sfc::ISfcScriptCollector
public interface IScriptingSession : IDisposable, Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.ISfcScriptCollector
type IScriptingSession = interface
    interface ISfcScriptCollector
    interface IDisposable
Public Interface IScriptingSession
Implements IDisposable, ISfcScriptCollector



Opens a writer of the specified type that can be used to access the stored scripts. Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure.

(Inherited from ISfcScriptCollector)

Opens or reopens a writer of the specified type that can be used to access the stored scripts. Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure.

(Inherited from ISfcScriptCollector)

Applies to