ScriptFactory Class


Represents the static functions for creating different types of scripts.

public ref class ScriptFactory sealed : Microsoft::SqlServer::Management::UI::VSIntegration::Editors::IScriptFactory
public sealed class ScriptFactory : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.IScriptFactory
type ScriptFactory = class
    interface IScriptFactory
Public NotInheritable Class ScriptFactory
Implements IScriptFactory



SQL Server Compact 3.5 editor factory identifier.



Gets the connection information of the currently active frame. If the active frame is not one of the window based windows and doesn't have connection information associated with it, the property returns null.


Gets the script factory.


Gets the root used to auto-generate names for the SQL template files.


Gets or sets the current file open mode used to control the behavior in obtaining a current connection for each file opened.



Used to ensure that there are no queries left running. For every running query, user will be prompted whether to cancel it.


Checks the default Keyboard Scheme from Environment Options.

CreateLiveQueryView(UIConnectionInfo, Int16)

Creates and opens new blank script of type of editor that is implemented by the assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType, IVsProject)

Creates and opens new blank script of type of editor that is implemented by the assembly. The new script is added to the specified project.

CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType, IVsProject, UIConnectionGroupInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of type of editor that is implemented by the assembly. The new script is added to the specified project.

CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType, IVsProject, UIConnectionInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of type of editor that is implemented by the assembly. The new script is added to the specified project.

CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType, UIConnectionGroupInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of type of editor that is implemented by the assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType, UIConnectionInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of type of editor that is implemented by the assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewScript(String, IVsProject, UIConnectionGroupInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified file and adds it to the specified project.

CreateNewScript(String, IVsProject, UIConnectionGroupInfo, IDbConnection, String)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified file and adds it to the specified project.

CreateNewScript(String, IVsProject, UIConnectionInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified file and adds it to the specified project.

CreateNewScript(String, IVsProject, UIConnectionInfo, IDbConnection, String)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified file and adds it to the specified project.

CreateNewScript(String, UIConnectionGroupInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified template file that is implemented by the assembly. The editor for this script should be implemented by this assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewScript(String, UIConnectionGroupInfo, IDbConnection, String)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified template file that is implemented by the assembly. The editor for this script should be implemented by this assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewScript(String, UIConnectionInfo, IDbConnection)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified template file that is implemented by the assembly. The editor for this script should be implemented by this assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewScript(String, UIConnectionInfo, IDbConnection, String)

Creates and opens new blank script of specified template file that is implemented by the assembly. The editor for this script should be implemented by this assembly. The new script is added to the miscellaneous project.

CreateNewScriptBasedOnTemplate(String, String, Boolean)

Creates a temporary query file with specified extension based on given template, opens it in Misc project, which will create a snapshot of the file, and delete the previously created query file. Without this method, Visual Studio would always create a new file with the same extension as the template.

CreateNewScriptBasedOnTemplate(String, String, Boolean, IVsProject)

Creates a temporary query file with specified extension based on given template, opens it in Misc project, which will create a snapshot of the file, and delete the previously created query file. Without this method, Visual Studio would always create a new file with the same extension as the template.

CreateNewSqlObjectDocument(String, String, String)

Creates a new SQL script with an URL as a moniker.

CreateShowPlanCompareWindow(String, String, String, String)
DesignTableOrView(DocumentType, DocumentOptions, String, IManagedConnection)

Creates a new instance of an assisted editor of a given type. Propagates back any exception that was raised during the initialization of the editor.

GetFontAndColorProvider(Guid, Object)

Gets the font and color provider.


Gets the script type that is being edited by the given Visual Studio window.

GetVdtPreloader(SqlConnectionInfo, ISynchronizeInvoke)

Gets a preloader for VDT code.

InstallDatabaseDiagramSupportObjects(SqlConnectionInfoWithConnection, String)

Processes dropped files by marshalling a control that calls a delegate to do the work.

ScheduleSqlScriptAsOneStep(String, SqlConnectionInfo, IServiceProvider, IWin32Window)

Activates the schedule dialog box and creates a job with one Transact-SQL step that corresponds to the specified text.

ScheduleSqlScriptAsOneStep(String, SqlConnectionInfo, IWin32Window)

Activates the schedule dialog box and creates a job with one Transact-SQL step that corresponds to the specified text.

Applies to