BulkInsertOptionKind Enum


If this enum grows beyond 63, Parser needs to be updated - it uses Int64 to check for option duplication

public enum BulkInsertOptionKind
type BulkInsertOptionKind = 
Public Enum BulkInsertOptionKind


BatchSize 1
CheckConstraints 2
CodePage 3
DataCompression 30
DataFileFormat 27
DataFileType 4
DataSource 24
ErrorDataSource 26
ErrorFile 17
EscapeChar 29
FieldQuote 28
FieldTerminator 5
FireTriggers 7
FirstRow 6
FormatDataSource 25
FormatFile 8
HeaderRow 32
IncludeHidden 23
KeepIdentity 9
KeepNulls 10
KilobytesPerBatch 11
LastRow 12
MaxErrors 13
None 0
NoTriggers 18
Order 22
ParserVersion 31
RowsetOptions 33
RowsPerBatch 14
RowTerminator 15
SingleBlob 19
SingleClob 20
SingleNClob 21
TabLock 16

Applies to