Installation on domain controllers is not supported with Active Directory split permissions [InstallOnDCInADSplitPermissionMode]

Exchange Setup detected that you're installing Exchange on an Active Directory domain controller and one of the following conditions is true:

  • The Exchange organization is already configured for Active Directory split permissions.

  • You selected the Active Directory split permissions option in Exchange Setup.

Installing Exchange on domain controllers isn't supported when the Exchange organization is configured for Active Directory split permissions. To install Exchange on a domain controller, you need to configure the Exchange organization for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) split permissions or shared permissions.


We don't recommend installing Exchange on Active Directory domain controllers. For more information, see Installing Exchange on a domain controller is not recommended [WarningInstallExchangeRolesOnDomainController].

If you want to use Active Directory split permissions, you need install Exchange on a member server.

For more information about split and shared permissions in Exchange 2013 or later, see the following topics:

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