MajorObject.Update Method (UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean)


Applies To: SQL Server (starting with 2016)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using specified options to update dependent objects, reports any warnings from operation, and returns affected objects from operation. If analyzeImpactOnly is true, an impact analysis operation is performed with no update operation.

Namespace:   Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Core (in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Core.dll)


public void Update(
    UpdateOptions options,
    UpdateMode mode,
    XmlaWarningCollection warnings,
    ImpactDetailCollection impactResult,
    bool analyzeImpactOnly
void Update(
    UpdateOptions options,
    UpdateMode mode,
    XmlaWarningCollection^ warnings,
    ImpactDetailCollection^ impactResult,
    bool analyzeImpactOnly
member Update : 
        options:UpdateOptions *
        mode:UpdateMode *
        warnings:XmlaWarningCollection *
        impactResult:ImpactDetailCollection *
        analyzeImpactOnly:bool -> unit
Public Sub Update (
    options As UpdateOptions,
    mode As UpdateMode,
    warnings As XmlaWarningCollection,
    impactResult As ImpactDetailCollection,
    analyzeImpactOnly As Boolean


  • analyzeImpactOnly
    Type: System.Boolean

    If true, only the impact analysis is executed, otherwise update operation is executed.

See Also

Update Overload
MajorObject Class
Microsoft.AnalysisServices Namespace

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