MiningModelCollection.Item Property (String)

Gets the specified MiningModel from the collection by using the model's name. In Microsoft Visual C#, this property is the indexer for the MiningModelCollection class.

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer
Assembly:  msmgdsrv (in msmgdsrv.dll)


Public ReadOnly Default Property Item ( _
    name As String _
) As MiningModel 
Dim instance As MiningModelCollection 
Dim name As String 
Dim value As MiningModel 

value = instance(name)
public MiningModel this[
    string name
] { get; }
property MiningModel^ default[String^ name] {
    MiningModel^ get (String^ name);
member Item : MiningModel
JScript supports the use of indexed properties, but not the declaration of new ones.


  • name
    Type: String
    The name of the MiningModel to be found.

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer.MiningModel
The MiningModel with the specified name.


If the object is not found, the Item property throws an exception. However, the Find method returns null if the object is not found.

See Also


MiningModelCollection Class

Item Overload

Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer Namespace