sp_help_proxy (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Lists information for one or more proxies.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @proxy_id = ] id,  
    [ @proxy_name = ] 'proxy_name' ,  
    [ @subsystem_name = ] 'subsystem_name' ,  
    [ @name = ] 'name'  


[ @proxy_id = ] id The proxy identification number of the proxy to list information for. The proxy_id is int, with a default of NULL. Either the id or the proxy_name may be specified.

[ @proxy_name = ] 'proxy_name' The name of the proxy to list information for. The proxy_name is sysname, with a default of NULL. Either the id or the proxy_name may be specified.

[ @subsystem_name = ] 'subsystem_name' The name of the subsystem to list proxies for. The subsystem_name is sysname, with a default of NULL. When subsystem_name is specified, name must also be specified.

The following table lists the values for each subsystem.

Value Description
ActiveScripting ActiveX Script
CmdExec Operating System (CmdExec)
Snapshot Replication Snapshot Agent
LogReader Replication Log Reader Agent
Distribution Replication Distribution Agent
Merge Replication Merge Agent
QueueReader Replication Queue Reader Agent
ANALYSISQUERY Analysis Services Command
ANALYSISCOMMAND Analysis Services Query
Dts SSIS package execution
PowerShell PowerShell Script

[ @name = ] 'name' The name of a SQL Server login to list proxies for. The name is nvarchar(256), with a default of NULL. When name is specified, subsystem_name must also be specified.

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)

Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
proxy_id int Proxy identification number.
name sysname The name of the proxy.
credential_identity sysname The Microsoft Windows domain name and user name for the credential associated with the proxy.
enabled tinyint Whether this proxy is enabled. { 0 = not enabled, 1 = enabled }
description nvarchar(1024) The description for this proxy.
user_sid varbinary(85) The Windows security id of the Windows user for this proxy.
credential_id int The identifier for the credential associated with this proxy.
credential_identity_exists int Whether the credential_identity exists. { 0 = does not exist, 1 = exists }


When no parameters are provided, sp_help_proxy lists information for all proxies in the instance.

To determine which proxies a login can use for a given subsystem, specify name and subsystem_name. When these arguments are provided, sp_help_proxy lists proxies that the login specified may access and that may be used for the specified subsystem.


By default, members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute this stored procedure. Other users must be granted the SQLAgentOperatorRole fixed database role in the msdb database.

For details about SQLAgentOperatorRole, see SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles.


The credential_identity and user_sid columns are only returned in the result set when members of sysadmin execute this stored procedure.


A. Listing information for all proxies

The following example lists information for all proxies in the instance.

USE msdb ;  
EXEC dbo.sp_help_proxy ;  

B. Listing information for a specific proxy

The following example lists information for the proxy named Catalog application proxy.

USE msdb ;  
EXEC dbo.sp_help_proxy  
    @proxy_name = N'Catalog application proxy' ;  

See Also

SQL Server Agent Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)
sp_add_proxy (Transact-SQL)
sp_delete_proxy (Transact-SQL)