Connect to Server (Login Page) Analysis Services

Use this tab to view or specify the following options when connecting to Microsoft Analysis Services.


  • Server type
    When registering a server from Object Explorer, select the type of server to connect to: Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, or Integration Services. The rest of the dialog shows only the options that apply to the selected server type. When registering a server from Registered Servers, the Server type box is read-only, and matches the type of server displayed in the Registered Servers component. To register a different type of server, select Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, or Integration Services from the Registered Servers toolbar before starting to register a new server.

  • Server name
    Select the server instance to connect to. The server instance last connected to is displayed by default.

  • Authentication
    The following authentication modes are supported when connecting to an instance of Analysis Services: Microsoft Windows Authentication.

  • Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)
    Windows Authentication mode allows a user to connect through a Windows user account.

  • Connect
    Connect to the server selected above.

  • Options
    Click to change the dialog and hide the additional server connection options, such as remembering the password.