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Test and Team System

The tester advocates for the test constituency in the MSF Team Model. The tester's main goal is to discover and communicate problems with the product that could adversely impact its value. The tester must understand the context for the project and help others to make informed decisions based on this context. A key goal for the tester is to find and report the significant bugs in the product by testing the product. Once a bug is found, it is also the tester’s job to accurately communicate its impact and describe any workaround solutions that could lessen its impact. The tester makes bug descriptions and steps for recreating the bugs easy to understand and follow. The tester participates with the entire team in setting the quality standards for the product. The purpose of testing is to prove that known functions work correctly and to discover new product issues.

The tester's workflow is as follows:

  • Analysis

  • Close a Bug

  • Develop Documentation

  • Establish Environments

  • Establish Project Process

  • Release a Product

  • Test a Customer Requirement

  • Verify a Product Requirement

Also listed here are links to help testers adopt the workflow for the MSF Team Model using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System.

Process Guidance

Working with Team Projects

Working with Work Items

Work Item Synchronization in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project

Working with Work Items in Microsoft Excel

Working with Work Items in Microsoft Project

Working with Source Control

Work Items



  • How to: Edit a Workspace
    Describes how to edit an existing workspace to change the name, comments, or working folders.

Working with Team Foundation Build

Monitoring and Reporting

Working with Team Edition for Testers

This page contains links to popular topics for getting started with Distributed System Designers in Visual Studio Team Edition for Architects. To view other categories of popular topics, see How Do I in Team Edition for Testers.