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Microsoft.Web.Services2 Namespace


Class Description
AsynchronousOperationException The exception that is thrown when the format of a SOAP message is invalid.
AsyncResult Encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation on an asynchronous delegate.
Pipeline Contains two separate arrays of SoapInputFilter and SoapOutputFilter objects to handle SOAP messages.
RequestSoapContext Provides access to the SoapContext associated with a SOAP request for Web services.
ResponseSoapContext Provides access to the SoapContext associated with a SOAP response for Web services created using ASP.NET.
Soap Represents the constants used in a SOAP message.
Soap.AttributeNames Represents the XML attribute names in a SOAP header.
Soap.ElementNames Specifies the elements defined in a SOAP header.
SoapContext Contains the WSE-specific features of a SOAP message. This class cannot be inherited.
SoapEnvelope Represents the content of a SOAP message.
SoapFault Contains constant strings that are used to hold various error messages.
SoapFormatException The exception that is thrown when the format of a SOAP message is invalid.
SoapInputFilter Provides a base class for defining an input filter for SOAP messages.
SoapInputFilterCollection Represents a collection of SoapInputFilter objects.
SoapOutputFilter Provides a base class for defining an output filter for SOAP messages.
SoapOutputFilterCollection Represents a collection of SoapOutputFilter objects.
SoapWebRequest Provides a Web Services Enhancements(WSE)-specific implementation of the System.Net.WebRequest class.
SoapWebResponse Provides a Web Services Enhancements (WSE)-specific implementation of the System.Net.WebResponse class.
ThreadDataSlot Allocates and maintains a System.LocalDataStoreSlot for multithreaded operations.
UriList Defines a collection of System.Uri objects.
WaitHandleAsyncResult Encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation on an asynchronous delegate that waits for a System.Threading.WaitHandle to be signaled.
WebServicesClientProtocol Specifies the class client proxies derive from when using the Web Services Enhancements (WSE).
WebServicesExtension Represents a WSE extension that can inspect or modify SOAP message at specific stages in message processing on either the client or the server.