Navigating the Calendaring Sample Application Source Code

Navigating the Calendaring Sample Application Source Code

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Calendaring.frm contains the source code for the Calendaring sample application and is installed with the Exchange Server 2003 Software Development Kit (SDK) in the following directory: \Program Files\Exchange SDK\SDK\Samples\Calendaring\. The following table lists the subprocedures and functions relevant to calendaring.

Calendaring sample application

Subprocedure/Function Description
RefreshAppointment() Updates the appointment with text from the user interface text fields.
OpenCalendarItem(calendarItemUrl As String) Opens the calendar item located at the URL in the calendarItemURL string.
SaveAppointment() Saves the appointment to the user's calendar and also sends notification e-mail to the attendees.
SendAppointment() Sends the appointment to the attendees using the CalendarMessage object.
ListAttendees() Returns a list of the attendees for the appointment as a semi-colon delimited string.
AddAttendee(attendeeName As String) Adds an attendee to the given appointment.
GetMailboxInterface(emailAlias As String) Gets an interface to the requested user's mailbox.
CreateAppointment(startTime As Date, endTime As Date, subject As String, location As String, textBody As String) Creates an appointment in memory. Uses the SaveAppointment subprocedure to commit it to the Exchange server.
ListAppointments() Lists all the user's appointments in the CalendarItemListBox list box.
SetRecurrence(frequency As CdoFrequency) Sets the recurrence pattern for the appointment.
CancelAppointment(calendarItemUrl As String) Cancels the appointment and sends cancellation messages to the attendees.
RemoveAllAttendees() Removes all attendees from an appointment.
SetConfiguration() Sets the Configuration object of the appointment.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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