This module examines how to manage Safe Links in your tenant by creating and configuring policies and using transport rules to disable a policy from taking effect in certain scenarios. MS-102
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This article is intended for business customers who have Microsoft Defender for Office 365. If you are a home user looking for information about Safelinks in Outlook, see Advanced security.
In organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Safe Links provides URL scanning of links in messages, Microsoft Teams, and supported Office 365 apps. For more information, see Safe Links in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
Although there's no default Safe Links policy, the Built-in protection preset security policy provides Safe Links protection to all recipients by default. Recipients who are specified in the Standard or Strict preset security policies or in custom Safe Links policies aren't affected. For more information, see Preset security policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
For greater granularity, you can also use the procedures in this article to create Safe Links policies that apply to specific users, group, or domains.
Instead of creating and managing custom Safe Links policies, we typically recommend turning on and adding all users to the Standard and/or Strict preset security policies. For more information, see Configure protection policies.
To understand how threat protection works in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, see Step-by-step threat protection in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
You configure Safe Links policies in the Microsoft Defender portal or in Exchange Online PowerShell.
You open the Microsoft Defender portal at To go directly to the Safe Links page, use
To connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can do the procedures in this article. You have the following options:
Microsoft Defender XDR Unified role based access control (RBAC) (If Email & collaboration > Defender for Office 365 permissions is
Active. Affects the Defender portal only, not PowerShell): Authorization and settings/Security settings/Core Security settings (manage) or Authorization and settings/Security settings/Core Security settings (read).
Email & collaboration permissions in the Microsoft Defender portal and Exchange Online permissions:
Microsoft Entra permissions: Membership in the Global Administrator*, Security Administrator, Global Reader, or Security Reader roles gives users the required permissions and permissions for other features in Microsoft 365.
* Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.
For our recommended settings for Safe Links policies, see Safe Links policy settings.
If a recipient is included in the Standard or Strict preset security policies, exceptions to Built-in protection for Safe Links or exceptions in custom Safe Links policies don't apply due to the order of precedence (preset security policies are always applied first). For more information, see Order and precedence of email protection.
Allow up to 6 hours for a new or updated policy to be applied.
For more information about licensing requirements, see Licensing terms.
In the Microsoft Defender portal at, go to Email & Collaboration > Policies & Rules > Threat policies > Safe Links in the Policies section. Or, to go directly to the Safe Links page, use
On the Safe Links page, select
Create to start the new Safe Links policy wizard.
On the Name your policy page, configure the following settings:
When you're finished on the Name your policy page, select Next.
On the Users and domains page, identify the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient conditions):
Users: The specified mailboxes, mail users, or mail contacts.
Domains: All recipients in the organization with a primary email address in the specified accepted domain.
Subdomains are automatically included unless you specifically exclude them. For example, a policy that includes also includes unless you exclude
Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, select
next to the value.
For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users, enter an asterisk (*) by itself to see all available values.
You can use a condition only once, but the condition can contain multiple values:
Multiple values of the same condition use OR logic (for example, <recipient1> or <recipient2>). If the recipient matches any of the specified values, the policy is applied to them.
Different types of conditions use AND logic. The recipient must match all of the specified conditions for the policy to apply to them. For example, you configure a condition with the following values:
The policy is applied to
only if he's also a member of the Executives group. Otherwise, the policy isn't applied to him.
Exclude these users, groups, and domains: To add exceptions for the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient exceptions), select this option and configure the exceptions. The settings and behavior are exactly like the conditions.
You can use an exception only once, but the exception can contain multiple values:
If not all users in your organization have Defender for Office 365 licenses, you can use User or Group exceptions to exclude users who aren't eligible for Safe Links protections.
When you're finished on the Users and domains page, select Next.
On the URL & click protection settings page, configure the following settings:
Email section:
On: Safe Links checks a list of known, malicious links when users click links in email. URLs are rewritten by default: Select this option to turn on Safe Links protection for links in email messages (URL rewriting and time of click protection). If you select this option, the following settings are available:
Do not rewrite the following URLs in email section: Select the Manage (nn) URLs link to allow access to specific URLs that would otherwise be blocked by Safe Links.
Entries in the "Do not rewrite the following URLs" list aren't scanned or wrapped by Safe Links during mail flow, but might still be blocked at time of click. Report the URL as I've confirmed it's clean and then select Alow this URL to add an allow entry to the Tenant Allow/Block List so the URL isn't scanned or wrapped by Safe Links during mail flow and at time of click. For instructions, see Report good URLs to Microsoft.
In the Manage URLs to not rewrite flyout that opens, select
Add URLs.
In the Add URLs flyout that opens, click in the URL box, enter a value, and then press the ENTER key or select the complete value that's displayed below the box. Repeat this step as many times as necessary.
For URL syntax, see Entry syntax for the "Do not rewrite the following URLs" list.
To remove an entry, select
next to the entry.
When you're finished on the Add URLs flyout, select Save.
Back on the Manage URLs to not rewrite flyout, the URL entries that you added are listed on the flyout.
To change the list of URLs from normal to compact spacing, select
Change list spacing to compact or normal, and then select
Compact list.
Use the
Search box to find entries on the flyout.
To add entries, select
Add URLs and repeat the previous step.
To remove entries, do either of the following steps:
With one or more entries selected, select the
Delete action that appears.
When you're finished on the Manage URLs to not rewrite flyout, select Done to return to the URL & click protection settings page.
Teams section:
Office 365 apps section:
Click protection settings section:
For detailed information about these settings, see:
For more the recommended values for Standard and Strict policy settings, see Safe Links policy settings.
When you're finished on the URL & click protection settings page, select Next.
On the Notification page, select one of the following values for How would you like to notify your users?:
When you're finished on the Notification page, select Next.
On the Review page, review your settings. You can select Edit in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can select Back or the specific page in the wizard.
When you're finished on the Review page, select Submit.
On the New Safe Links policy created page, you can select the links to view the policy, view Safe Links policies, and learn more about Safe Links policies.
When you're finished on the New Safe Links policy created page, select Done.
Back on the Safe Links page, the new policy is listed.
In the Microsoft Defender portal at, go to Email & Collaboration > Policies & Rules > Threat policies > Safe Links in the Policies section. To go directly to the Safe Links page, use
On the Safe Links page, the following properties are displayed in the list of policies:
To change the list of policies from normal to compact spacing, select
Change list spacing to compact or normal, and then select
Compact list.
Use the
Search box and a corresponding value to find specific Safe Links policies.
Export to export the list of policies to a CSV file.
View reports to open the Threat protection status report.
Select a policy by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name to open the details flyout for the policy.
To see details about other Safe Links policies without leaving the details flyout, use
Previous item and Next item at the top of the flyout.
In the Microsoft Defender portal at, go to Email & Collaboration > Policies & Rules > Threat policies > Safe Links in the Policies section. To go directly to the Safe Links page, use
On the Safe Links page, select the Safe Links policy by using either of the following methods:
Select the policy from the list by selecting the check box next to the name. The following actions are available in the
More actions dropdown list that appears:
Select the policy from the list by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name. Some or all following actions are available in the details flyout that opens:
The actions are described in the following subsections.
After you select a custom Safe Links policy by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name, the policy settings are shown in the details flyout that opens. Select Edit in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the Create Safe Links policies section earlier in this article.
You can't modify the Safe Links policies named Standard Preset Security Policy, Strict Preset Security Policy, or Built-in protection (Microsoft) that are associated with preset security policies in the policy details flyout. Instead, you select
View preset security policies in the details flyout to go to the Preset security policies page at to modify the preset security policies.
You can't enable or disable the Safe Links policies named Standard Preset Security Policy, Strict Preset Security Policy, or Built-in protection (Microsoft) that are associated with preset security policies here. You enable or disable preset security policies on the Preset security policies page at
After you select an enabled custom Safe Links policy (the Status value is On), use either of the following methods to disable it:
After you select a disabled custom Safe Links policy (the Status value is Off), use either of the following methods to enable it:
On the Safe Links page, the Status value of the policy is now On or Off.
Safe Links policies are processed in the order that they're displayed on the Safe Links page:
Safe Links protection stops for a recipient after the first policy is applied (the highest priority policy for that recipient). For more information, see Order and precedence of email protection.
After you select the custom Safe Links policy by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name, you can increase or decrease the priority of the policy in the details flyout that opens:
When you're finished in the policy details flyout, select Close.
Back on the Safe Links page, the order of the policy in the list matches the updated Priority value.
You can't remove the Safe Links policies named Standard Preset Security Policy, Strict Preset Security Policy, or Built-in protection (Microsoft) that are associated with preset security policies.
After you select the custom Safe Links policy, use either of the following methods to remove it:
Select Yes in the warning dialog that opens.
Back on the Safe Links page, the removed policy is no longer listed.
In PowerShell, the basic elements of a Safe Links policy are:
The difference between these two elements isn't obvious when you manage Safe Links policies in the Microsoft Defender portal:
In PowerShell, the difference between safe links policies and safe links rules is apparent. You manage safe links policies by using the *-SafeLinksPolicy cmdlets, and you manage safe links rules by using the *-SafeLinksRule cmdlets.
Creating a Safe Links policy in PowerShell is a two-step process:
You can create a new safe links rule and assign an existing, unassociated safe links policy to it. A safe links rule can't be associated with more than one safe links policy.
You can configure the following settings on new safe links policies in PowerShell that aren't available in the Microsoft Defender portal until after you create the policy:
on the New-SafeLinksRule cmdlet).A new safe links policy that you create in PowerShell isn't visible in the Microsoft Defender portal until you assign the policy to a safe links rule.
To create a safe links policy, use this syntax:
New-SafeLinksPolicy -Name "<PolicyName>" [-AdminDisplayName "<Comments>"] [-EnableSafeLinksForEmail <$true | $false>] [-EnableSafeLinksForOffice <$true | $false>] [-EnableSafeLinksForTeams <$true | $false>] [-ScanUrls <$true | $false>] [-DeliverMessageAfterScan <$true | $false>] [-EnableForInternalSenders <$true | $false>] [-AllowClickThrough <$true | $false>] [-TrackUserClicks <$true | $false>] [-DoNotRewriteUrls "Entry1","Entry2",..."EntryN"]
For details about the entry syntax to use for the DoNotRewriteUrls parameter, see Entry syntax for the "Do not rewrite the following URLs" list.
For additional syntax that you can use for the DoNotRewriteUrls parameter when you modify existing safe links policies by using the Set-SafeLinksPolicy cmdlet, see the Use PowerShell to modify safe links policies section later in this article.
This example creates a safe links policy named Contoso All with the following values:
New-SafeLinksPolicy -Name "Contoso All" -EnableSafeLinksForEmail $true -EnableSafeLinksForOffice $true -EnableSafeLinksForTeams $true -ScanUrls $true -DeliverMessageAfterScan $true -EnableForInternalSenders $true -AllowClickThrough $false
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see New-SafeLinksPolicy.
To create a safe links rule, use this syntax:
New-SafeLinksRule -Name "<RuleName>" -SafeLinksPolicy "<PolicyName>" <Recipient filters> [<Recipient filter exceptions>] [-Comments "<OptionalComments>"] [-Enabled <$true | $false>]
This example creates a safe links rule named Contoso All with the following conditions:
).New-SafeLinksRule -Name "Contoso All" -SafeLinksPolicy "Contoso All" -RecipientDomainIs
This example creates a safe links rule that's similar to the previous example, but in this example, the rule applies to recipients in all accepted domains in the organization.
New-SafeLinksRule -Name "Contoso All" -SafeLinksPolicy "Contoso All" -RecipientDomainIs (Get-AcceptedDomain).Name
This example creates a safe links rule that's similar to the previous examples, but in this example, the rule applies to recipients in the domains specified in a .csv file.
$Data = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Data\SafeLinksDomains.csv"
$SLDomains = $Data.Domains
New-SafeLinksRule -Name "Contoso All" -SafeLinksPolicy "Contoso All" -RecipientDomainIs $SLDomains
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see New-SafeLinksRule.
To view existing safe links policies, use the following syntax:
Get-SafeLinksPolicy [-Identity "<PolicyIdentity>"] [| <Format-Table | Format-List> <Property1,Property2,...>]
This example returns a summary list of all safe links policies.
Get-SafeLinksPolicy | Format-Table Name
This example returns detailed information for the safe links policy named Contoso Executives.
Get-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity "Contoso Executives"
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Get-SafeLinksPolicy.
To view existing safe links rules, use the following syntax:
Get-SafeLinksRule [-Identity "<RuleIdentity>"] [-State <Enabled | Disabled] [| <Format-Table | Format-List> <Property1,Property2,...>]
This example returns a summary list of all safe links rules.
Get-SafeLinksRule | Format-Table Name,State
To filter the list by enabled or disabled rules, run the following commands:
Get-SafeLinksRule -State Disabled
Get-SafeLinksRule -State Enabled
This example returns detailed information for the safe links rule named Contoso Executives.
Get-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Contoso Executives"
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Get-SafeLinksRule.
You can't rename a safe links policy in PowerShell (the Set-SafeLinksPolicy cmdlet has no Name parameter). When you rename a Safe Links policy in the Microsoft Defender portal, you're only renaming the safe links rule.
The only additional consideration for modifying safe links policies in PowerShell is the available syntax for the DoNotRewriteUrls parameter (the "Do not rewrite the following URLs" list):
.@{Add="Entry1","Entry2"...; Remove="Entry3","Entry4"...}
Otherwise, the same settings are available when you create a safe links policy as described in the Step 1: Use PowerShell to create a safe links policy section earlier in this article.
To modify a safe links policy, use this syntax:
Set-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity "<PolicyName>" <Settings>
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-SafeLinksPolicy.
The only setting that's not available when you modify a safe links rule in PowerShell is the Enabled parameter that allows you to create a disabled rule. To enable or disable existing safe links rules, see the next section.
Otherwise, the same settings are available when you create a rule as described in the Step 2: Use PowerShell to create a safe links rule section earlier in this article.
To modify a safe links rule, use this syntax:
Set-SafeLinksRule -Identity "<RuleName>" <Settings>
This example adds all accepted domains in the organization as a condition to the safe links rule named Contoso All.
Set-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Contoso All" -RecipientDomainIs (Get-AcceptedDomain).Name
This example adds the domains from the specified .csv as a condition to the safe links rule named Contoso All.
$Data = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Data\SafeLinksDomains.csv"
$SLDomains = $Data.Domains
Set-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Contoso All" -RecipientDomainIs $SLDomains
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-SafeLinksRule.
Enabling or disabling a safe links rule in PowerShell enables or disables the whole Safe Links policy (the safe links rule and the assigned safe links policy).
To enable or disable a safe links rule in PowerShell, use this syntax:
<Enable-SafeLinksRule | Disable-SafeLinksRule> -Identity "<RuleName>"
This example disables the safe links rule named Marketing Department.
Disable-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Marketing Department"
This example enables same rule.
Enable-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Marketing Department"
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Enable-SafeLinksRule and Disable-SafeLinksRule.
The highest priority value you can set on a rule is 0. The lowest value you can set depends on the number of rules. For example, if you have five rules, you can use the priority values 0 through 4. Changing the priority of an existing rule can have a cascading effect on other rules. For example, if you have five custom rules (priorities 0 through 4), and you change the priority of a rule to 2, the existing rule with priority 2 is changed to priority 3, and the rule with priority 3 is changed to priority 4.
To set the priority of a safe links rule in PowerShell, use the following syntax:
Set-SafeLinksRule -Identity "<RuleName>" -Priority <Number>
This example sets the priority of the rule named Marketing Department to 2. All existing rules that have a priority less than or equal to 2 are decreased by 1 (their priority numbers are increased by 1).
Set-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Marketing Department" -Priority 2
To set the priority of a new rule when you create it, use the Priority parameter on the New-SafeLinksRule cmdlet instead.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-SafeLinksRule.
When you use PowerShell to remove a safe links policy, the corresponding safe links rule isn't removed.
To remove a safe links policy in PowerShell, use this syntax:
Remove-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity "<PolicyName>"
This example removes the safe links policy named Marketing Department.
Remove-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity "Marketing Department"
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Remove-SafeLinksPolicy.
When you use PowerShell to remove a safe links rule, the corresponding safe links policy isn't removed.
To remove a safe links rule in PowerShell, use this syntax:
Remove-SafeLinksRule -Identity "<PolicyName>"
This example removes the safe links rule named Marketing Department.
Remove-SafeLinksRule -Identity "Marketing Department"
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Remove-SafeLinksRule.
To verify that Safe Links is scanning messages, check the available Microsoft Defender for Office 365 reports. For more information, see View reports for Defender for Office 365 and Use Explorer in the Microsoft Defender portal.
To verify that you've successfully created, modified, or removed Safe Links policies, do any of the following steps:
On the Safe Links page in the Microsoft Defender portal at, verify the list of policies, their Status values, and their Priority values. To view more details, select the policy from the list, and view the details in the fly out.
In Exchange Online PowerShell or Exchange Online Protection PowerShell, replace <Name> with the name of the policy or rule, run the following commands, and verify the settings:
Get-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity "<Name>"; Get-SafeLinksRule -Identity "<Name>"
Use the URL
to test Safe Links protection. This URL is similar to the GTUBE text string for testing anti-spam solutions. This URL isn't harmful, but it triggers a Safe Links protection response.
This module examines how to manage Safe Links in your tenant by creating and configuring policies and using transport rules to disable a policy from taking effect in certain scenarios. MS-102
Learn about Safe Links protection in Defender for Office 365 to protect an organization from phishing and other attacks that use malicious URLs. Discover Teams Safe Links, and see graphics of Safe Links messages.
What are best practices for Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and Defender for Office 365 security settings? What's the current recommendations for standard protection? What should be used if you want to be more strict? And what extras do you get if you also use Defender for Office 365?
Preset security policies - Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Admins can learn how to apply Standard and Strict policy settings across the protection features of Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and Microsoft Defender for Office 365