Use Enterprise Mode to improve compatibility
Applies to: Windows 10
You've reached the documentation for Microsoft Edge version 45 and earlier. To see the documentation for Microsoft Edge version 77 or later, go to the Microsoft Edge documentation landing page.
If you have specific websites and apps that have compatibility problems with Microsoft Edge, you can use the Enterprise Mode site list so that the websites open in Internet Explorer 11 automatically. Additionally, if you know that your intranet sites aren't going to work correctly with Microsoft Edge, you can set all intranet sites to automatically open using IE11 with the Send all intranet sites to IE group policy.
Using Enterprise Mode means that you can continue to use Microsoft Edge as your default browser, while also ensuring that your apps continue working on IE11.
Our primary goal is that your websites work in Microsoft Edge. To that end, we've made Microsoft Edge the default browser.
You must continue using IE11 if web apps use any of the following:
ActiveX controls
x-ua-compatible headers
<meta> tags with an http-equivalent value of X-UA-Compatible header
Enterprise mode or compatibility view to addressing compatibility issues
legacy document modes
If you have uninstalled IE11, you can download it from the Microsoft Store or the Internet Explorer 11 download page. Alternatively, you can use Enterprise Mode with Microsoft Edge to transition only the sites that need these technologies to load in IE11.
If you want to use Group Policy to set Internet Explorer as your default browser, you can find the info here, Set the default browser using Group Policy.
Technology | Why it existed | Why we don't need it anymore |
ActiveX | ActiveX is a binary extension model introduced in 1996 which allowed developers to embed native Windows technologies (COM/OLE) in web pages. These controls can be downloaded and installed from a site and were subsequently loaded in-process and rendered in Internet Explorer. | |
Browser Helper Objects (BHO) | BHOs are a binary extension model introduced in 1997 which enabled developers to write COM objects that were loaded in-process with the browser and could perform actions on available windows and modules. A common use was to build toolbars that installed into Internet Explorer. | |
Document modes | Starting with IE8, Internet Explorer introduced a new “document mode” with every release. These document modes could be requested via the x-ua-compatible header to put the browser into a mode which emulates legacy versions. | Similar to other modern browsers, Microsoft Edge has a single “living” document mode. To minimize the compatibility burden, we test features behind switches in about:flags until stable and ready to be turned on by default. |
Microsoft Edge is the default browser experience for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile. However, if you're running web apps that rely on ActiveX controls, continue using Internet Explorer 11 for the web apps to work correctly. If you don't have IE11 installed anymore, you can download it from the Microsoft Store or the Internet Explorer 11 download page. Also, if you use an earlier version of Internet Explorer, upgrade to IE11.
Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 support IE11 so that you can continue using legacy apps even as you migrate to Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge.
If you're having trouble deciding whether Microsoft Edge is right for your organization, then take a look at the infographic about the potential impact of using Microsoft Edge in an organization.
Click to enlarge
Click to download image
Microsoft Edge | IE11 |
Microsoft Edge takes you beyond just browsing to actively engaging with the web through features like Web Note, Reading View, and Cortana.
IE11 offers enterprises additional security, manageability, performance, backward compatibility, and modern standards support.
Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
Default setting: Disabled or not configured
Microsoft Edge does not support ActiveX controls, Browser Helper Objects, VBScript, or other legacy technology. If you have sites or apps that use this technology, you can configure Microsoft Edge to check the Enterprise Mode Site List XML file that lists the sites and domains with compatibility issues and switch to IE11 automatically. You can use the same site list for both Microsoft Edge and IE11, or you can use separate lists. By default, Microsoft Edge ignores the Enterprise Mode and the Enterprise Mode Site List XML file. In this case, users might experience problems while using legacy apps. These sites and domains must be viewed using Internet Explorer 11 and Enterprise Mode.
Group Policy | MDM | Registry | Description |
Disabled or not configured (default) |
0 | 0 | Turned off. Microsoft Edge does not check the Enterprise Mode Site List, and in this case, users might experience problems while using legacy apps. |
Enabled | 1 | 1 | Turned on. Microsoft Edge checks the Enterprise Mode Site List if configured. If an XML file exists in the cache container, IE11 waits 65 seconds and then checks the local cache for a new version from the server. If the server has a different version, Microsoft Edge uses the server file and stores it in the cache container. If you already use a site list, Enterprise Mode continues to work during the 65 seconds, but uses the existing file. To add the location to your site list, enter it in the {URI} box. For details on how to configure the Enterprise Mode Site List, see Interoperability and enterprise guidance. |
- GP English name: Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List
- GP name: EnterpriseModeSiteList
- GP element: EnterSiteListPrompt
- GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
- GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx
- MDM name: Browser/EnterpriseModeSiteList
- Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
- URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/EnterpriseModeSiteList
- Data type: String
- Path: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\Main\EnterpriseMode
- Value name: SiteList
- Value type: REG_SZ
Show message opening sites in IE
Microsoft Edge does not show a notification before opening sites in Internet Explorer 11. However, with this policy, you can configure Microsoft Edge to display a notification before a site opens in IE11 or let users continue in Microsoft Edge. If you want users to continue in Microsoft Edge, enable this policy to show the Keep going in Microsoft Edge link in the notification. For this policy to work correctly, you must also enable the Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List or Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer 11, or both.
Use Enterprise Mode to improve compatibility. If you have specific websites and apps that you know have compatibility problems with Microsoft Edge, you can use the Enterprise Mode site list so that the websites automatically open using Internet Explorer 11. Additionally, if you know that your intranet sites aren't going to work correctly with Microsoft Edge, you can set all intranet sites to open using IE11 automatically. Using Enterprise Mode means that you can continue to use Microsoft Edge as your default browser, while also ensuring that your apps continue working on IE11.
Use the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager. You can use IE11 and the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager to add individual website domains and domain paths and to specify whether the site renders using Enterprise Mode or the default mode.
Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11. Learn how to set up and use Enterprise Mode and the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager in your company.
Enterprise Mode and the Enterprise Mode Site List. Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge can work together to support your legacy web apps, while still defaulting to the higher bar for security and modern experiences enabled by Microsoft Edge. Working with multiple browsers can be difficult, particularly if you have a substantial number of internal sites. To help manage this dual-browser experience, we are introducing a new web tool targeted explicitly towards larger organizations: the Enterprise Mode Site List Portal.
Enterprise Mode and the Enterprise Mode Site List XML file. The Enterprise Mode Site List is an XML document that specifies a list of sites, their compat mode, and their intended browser. When you use the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager schema v.2, you can automatically start a webpage using a specific browser. In the case of IE11, the webpage can also launch in a specific compat mode, so it always renders correctly. Your users can quickly view this site list by typing about:compat in either Microsoft Edge or IE11.
- Blog: How Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10 work better together in the Enterprise
- Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11)
- Download the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.2)
- Download the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.1)
- Use the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager
- Web Application Compatibility Lab Kit for Internet Explorer 11
- Download Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge - Deployment Guide for IT Pros
- Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) - Deployment Guide for IT Pros
- Internet Explorer Administration Kit 11 (IEAK 11) - Administrator's Guide
- Internet Explorer 11 - FAQ for IT Pros