ReportingService2005.BatchHeaderValue Property


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

The value (BatchHeaderValue object) that represents a unique, system-generated batch ID for multi-method operations in the Reporting Services SOAP API.

Namespace:   ReportService2005
Assembly:  ReportService2005 (in ReportService2005.dll)


public BatchHeader BatchHeaderValue { get; set; }
property BatchHeader^ BatchHeaderValue {
    BatchHeader^ get();
    void set(BatchHeader^ value);
member BatchHeaderValue : BatchHeader with get, set
Public Property BatchHeaderValue As BatchHeader

Property Value

Type: ReportService2005.BatchHeader


You can use the BatchHeaderValue property in the SOAP header for Web service calls that you want to batch.

To execute a batch, set the BatchHeaderValue property of the Report Server Web service to a value that is equal to the batch ID generated when the batch was created. For example, the following C# code sets the BatchHeaderValue of the Report Server Web service to a value that is equal to a previously created batch ID and then executes the batch:

rs.BatchHeaderValue = bh;

For more information about creating a batch ID, see CreateBatch method.


Legacy Code Example

To compile the following code example, you must reference the Reporting Services WSDL and import certain namespaces. For more information, see . The following code example retrieves a list of items in a user's My Reports folder and then deletes the items using a batch operation:Unable to find linked topic '317946aa-8e95-4f0b-8170-394c9d5e184e'.

Imports System
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim rs As New ReportingService2005()
      rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

      ' Return all items in the My Reports folder.
      Dim items As CatalogItem() = rs.ListChildren("/My Reports", False)

      Dim bh As New BatchHeader()
      bh.BatchID = rs.CreateBatch()
      rs.BatchHeaderValue = bh

      Dim item As CatalogItem
      For Each item In  items
         Console.WriteLine((item.Path + " found."))
         Console.WriteLine((item.Path + " deleted."))
      Next item

      Catch ex As SoapException
         rs.BatchHeaderValue = Nothing
      End Try
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Sample
using System;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

class Sample
   public static void Main()
      ReportingService2005 rs = new ReportingService2005();
      rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

      // Return all items in the My Reports folder.
      CatalogItem[] items = rs.ListChildren("/My Reports", false);

      BatchHeader bh = new BatchHeader();
      bh.BatchID = rs.CreateBatch();
      rs.BatchHeaderValue = bh;

      foreach (CatalogItem item in items)
         Console.WriteLine(item.Path + " found.");
         Console.WriteLine(item.Path + " deleted.");

      catch (SoapException ex)
         rs.BatchHeaderValue = null;

See Also

ReportingService2005 Class
ReportService2005 Namespace

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