ServiceClient.EntityStagingClear Method (International, Int32, Identifier)


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Clears the entity staging area with the specified batch identifier.

Namespace:   Microsoft.MasterDataServices
Assembly:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices (in Microsoft.MasterDataServices.dll)


public OperationResult EntityStagingClear(
    International International,
    int BatchId,
    Identifier ModelId
OperationResult^ EntityStagingClear(
    International^ International,
    int BatchId,
    Identifier^ ModelId
member EntityStagingClear : 
        International:International *
        BatchId:int *
        ModelId:Identifier -> OperationResult
Public Function EntityStagingClear (
    International As International,
    BatchId As Integer,
    ModelId As Identifier
) As OperationResult


  • BatchId
    Type: System.Int32

    The unique integer identifier that identifies the batch to clear.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.MasterDataServices.OperationResult

An OperationResult object that represents the result of the operation.

See Also

ServiceClient Class
Microsoft.MasterDataServices Namespace

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