FtpClientConnection.ReceiveFiles Method (String , String, Boolean, Boolean)


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

Receives files from the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.

Namespace:   Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (in Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll)


public void ReceiveFiles(
    string[] remoteFileNames,
    string localPath,
    bool overwrite,
    bool isTransferAscii
void ReceiveFiles(
    array<String^>^ remoteFileNames,
    String^ localPath,
    bool overwrite,
    bool isTransferAscii
member ReceiveFiles : 
        remoteFileNames:string[] *
        localPath:string *
        overwrite:bool *
        isTransferAscii:bool -> unit
Public Sub ReceiveFiles (
    remoteFileNames As String(),
    localPath As String,
    overwrite As Boolean,
    isTransferAscii As Boolean


  • remoteFileNames
    Type: System.String[]

    The files on the FTP server to receive.

  • localPath
    Type: System.String

    The local path where you want to receive the remote files.

  • overwrite
    Type: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether to overwrite the files, if the files already exist on the local computer. A value of true indicates that the task will overwrite existing files.

  • isTransferAscii
    Type: System.Boolean

    Specifies if files should be received in ASCII mode. A value of true indicates that the files should be received in ASCII mode.


Wild-card characters are allowed. For example, receiving from a remoteFileNames of /MyFolder/MyFiles*.* will retrieve from all files in the MyFolder directory that start with the characters MyFiles.


Legacy Code Example

The following code example shows how to use the ReceiveFiles method.

String [] remoteFileNames = {"myTestFile", "myFTPFile"};
String localPath = "Program Files";
myftpClientConn.ReceiveFiles(remoteFileNames, localPath, true, true); 
Dim remoteFileNames() As String = {"myTestFile", "myFTPFile"}
Dim localPath As String =  "Program Files" 
myftpClientConn.ReceiveFiles(remoteFileNames, localPath, True, True)

See Also

FtpClientConnection Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime Namespace

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