ReportingService2005.GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties Method (String, ExtensionSettings, DataRetrievalPlan, String, ActiveState, String, String, String, ParameterValueOrFieldReference )


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

Returns the properties of a data-driven subscription.

Namespace:   ReportService2005
Assembly:  ReportService2005 (in ReportService2005.dll)


public string GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties(
    string DataDrivenSubscriptionID,
    out ExtensionSettings ExtensionSettings,
    out DataRetrievalPlan DataRetrievalPlan,
    out string Description,
    out ActiveState Active,
    out string Status,
    out string EventType,
    out string MatchData,
    out ParameterValueOrFieldReference[] Parameters
String^ GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties(
    String^ DataDrivenSubscriptionID,
    [OutAttribute] ExtensionSettings^% ExtensionSettings,
    [OutAttribute] DataRetrievalPlan^% DataRetrievalPlan,
    [OutAttribute] String^% Description,
    [OutAttribute] ActiveState^% Active,
    [OutAttribute] String^% Status,
    [OutAttribute] String^% EventType,
    [OutAttribute] String^% MatchData,
    [OutAttribute] array<ParameterValueOrFieldReference^>^% Parameters
member GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties : 
        DataDrivenSubscriptionID:string *
        ExtensionSettings:ExtensionSettings byref *
        DataRetrievalPlan:DataRetrievalPlan byref *
        Description:string byref *
        Active:ActiveState byref *
        Status:string byref *
        EventType:string byref *
        MatchData:string byref *
        Parameters:ParameterValueOrFieldReference[] byref -> string
Public Function GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties (
    DataDrivenSubscriptionID As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef ExtensionSettings As ExtensionSettings,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef DataRetrievalPlan As DataRetrievalPlan,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef Description As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef Active As ActiveState,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef Status As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef EventType As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef MatchData As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef Parameters As ParameterValueOrFieldReference()
) As String


  • DataDrivenSubscriptionID
    Type: System.String

    The ID of the data-driven subscription.

  • Description
    Type: System.String

    [out] A meaningful description that is displayed to users.

  • Status
    Type: System.String

    [out] The status of the subscription.

  • EventType
    Type: System.String

    [out] The type of event that triggers the subscription.

  • MatchData
    Type: System.String

    [out] The data that is associated with the specified type of event. This parameter is used by an event to match the subscription with an event that has fired.

Return Value

Type: System.String

A String value containing the user ID of the owner of the data-driven subscription.


The table below shows header and permissions information on this operation.

SOAP Headers

(Out) ServerInfoHeaderValue

Required Permissions


See Also

ReportingService2005 Class
ReportService2005 Namespace

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