ASExecuteDDLTask.ValidateDDL Method (VariableDispenser, Connections, Exception)


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Verifies that the DDL task is properly configured.

Namespace:   Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks (in Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks.dll)


protected override bool ValidateDDL(
    VariableDispenser variableDispenser,
    Connections connections,
    out Exception ex
virtual bool ValidateDDL(
    VariableDispenser^ variableDispenser,
    Connections^ connections,
    [OutAttribute] Exception^% ex
) override
override ValidateDDL : 
        variableDispenser:VariableDispenser *
        connections:Connections *
        ex:Exception byref -> bool
Protected Overrides Function ValidateDDL (
    variableDispenser As VariableDispenser,
    connections As Connections,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef ex As Exception
) As Boolean


  • ex
    Type: System.Exception

    When this method returns, contains the exception during validation if any or null if no exception has occurred.

Return Value

Type: System.Boolean

true if the validation succeeded; otherwise, false.

See Also

ASExecuteDDLTask Class
Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask Namespace

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