ServiceClient.EntityStagingProcess Method (International, String, Identifier, MemberType, Identifier, OperationResult)


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Sets the batch, via batch tag, entity identifier, member type, and version identifier, to be queued for processing.

Namespace:   Microsoft.MasterDataServices
Assembly:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices (in Microsoft.MasterDataServices.dll)


public int EntityStagingProcess(
    International International,
    string BatchTag,
    Identifier EntityId,
    MemberType MemberType,
    Identifier VersionId,
    out OperationResult OperationResult
int EntityStagingProcess(
    International^ International,
    String^ BatchTag,
    Identifier^ EntityId,
    MemberType MemberType,
    Identifier^ VersionId,
    [OutAttribute] OperationResult^% OperationResult
member EntityStagingProcess : 
        International:International *
        BatchTag:string *
        EntityId:Identifier *
        MemberType:MemberType *
        VersionId:Identifier *
        OperationResult:OperationResult byref -> int
Public Function EntityStagingProcess (
    International As International,
    BatchTag As String,
    EntityId As Identifier,
    MemberType As MemberType,
    VersionId As Identifier,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef OperationResult As OperationResult
) As Integer


  • BatchTag
    Type: System.String

    The user defined text used to identify the batch.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32

The unique integer identifier that identifies the batch being queued for processing.

See Also

ServiceClient Class
Microsoft.MasterDataServices Namespace

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