XMLTask.SecondOperandType Property


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of source that contains the XML document, the DiffGram, the XSLT, the XPath, or the validating document, found in the SecondOperand.

Namespace:   Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask (in Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask.dll)


public DTSXMLSourceType SecondOperandType { get; set; }
property DTSXMLSourceType SecondOperandType {
    virtual DTSXMLSourceType get() sealed;
    virtual void set(DTSXMLSourceType value) sealed;
abstract SecondOperandType : DTSXMLSourceType with get, set
override SecondOperandType : DTSXMLSourceType with get, set
Public Property SecondOperandType As DTSXMLSourceType

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask.DTSXMLSourceType

A value from the DTSXMLSourceType enumeration that indicates the type of source that contains the data in the second operand.




This property is available to the XMLTask, regardless of the OperationType value.


Legacy Code Example

The following code example adds an XMLTask to a package, and sets properties using the TaskHost.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask;

namespace XMLTask_API
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Set up the objects and tasks.
                Package pkg = new Package();
                Executable exec1 = pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:XMLTask");
                TaskHost th = exec1 as TaskHost;
                // You can cast the InnerObject to the XmlTask here.
                // XMLTask myTask = th.InnerObject as XMLTask;

                // Create a variable and a FILE connection manager to books.xml.
                Variable resultVar = pkg.Variables.Add("resultVariable", false, "", "Variable for the result");
                ConnectionManager connMgr = pkg.Connections.Add("FILE");
                connMgr.Name = "XMLConnectionManager";
                // The file, Books.xml, is stored on the C:\ drive.
                connMgr.ConnectionString = @"c:\books.xml";

                // Set the XMLTask properties.
                // The first property to set is the OperationType. Depending on the
                // OperationType, different properties are valid.
                // The operation type in this example is VALIDATE.
                th.Properties["OperationType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLOperation.Validate);
                th.Properties["SourceType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLSourceType.FileConnection);
                th.Properties["Source"].SetValue(th, connMgr.Name);
                th.Properties["OverwriteDestination"].SetValue(th, true);
                th.Properties["SaveOperationResult"].SetValue(th, true);
                th.Properties["DestinationType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLSaveResultTo.Variable);
                th.Properties["Destination"].SetValue(th, resultVar.Name);
                th.Properties["SecondOperandType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLSourceType.DirectInput);
                th.Properties["SecondOperand"].SetValue(th, "<x></x>");
                th.Properties["ValidationType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLValidationType.DTD);
                th.Properties["FailOnValidationFaile"].SetValue(th, true);
                DTSExecResult valResults = pkg.Validate(pkg.Connections, pkg.Variables, null, null);
                Console.WriteLine("RESULTS: {0}", valResults);

Sample Output:

RESULTS: Success

See Also

XMLTask Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask Namespace

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