Create an Exchange 2016 mailbox


Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

To simplify configuration of Exchange 2016 and to help test your new server later, you need to create an Exchange 2016 mailbox. We'll make this new mailbox a member of the Organization Management role group, and you'll use this mailbox when you configure Exchange 2016.

Later in the checklist you'll need to log into your Exchange 2016 servers. Log in using the Exchange 2016 mailbox you'll create in this step. This will make sure you have the correct permissions to perform each step and that the EAC opens correctly.

How do I do this?

  1. Open the EAC by browsing to the URL of your Exchange 2016 Mailbox server. For example, https://Ex2016/ecp?ExchClientVer=15.


    You need to include ?ExchClientVer=15 in the URL when you want to open the EAC with a user that doesn't have an Exchange 2016 mailbox.

  2. Enter the user name and password of the account you used to install Exchange 2016 in Domain\user name and Password, and then click Sign in.

  3. Go to Recipients > Mailboxes. On the Mailboxes page, click Add Add Icon, and then select User mailbox.

  4. Provide the information required for the new user, and then click Save.

  5. Go to Permissions > Admin Roles. On the Admin Roles page, select Organization Management, and then click Edit Edit icon.

  6. Under Members, click Add Add Icon.

  7. Select the Exchange 2016 mailbox you just created, click Add Add Icon, then click OK. Then click Save.

How do I know this worked?

To verify that you successfully created an Exchange 2016 mailbox and added it as a member of the Organization Management role group, do the following:

  1. In the EAC, go to Permissions > Admin Roles. On the Admin Roles page, select Organization Management.

  2. In the details pane, view the Members list. If the Exchange 2016 mailbox has been successfully added as a member of the Organization Management role group, the mailbox will be listed here.

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