Move mailboxes to Exchange 2016


Estimated time to complete: varies depending on the number of mailboxes to move

After you've completed your deployment of Exchange 2016, you can move mailboxes to your Exchange 2016 Mailbox server. To move mailboxes to your Exchange 2016 Mailbox server, you'll need to use the Exchange admin center.

How do I do this?

  1. Open the EAC by browsing to the URL of your Mailbox server. For example, https://Ex2016/ECP.

  2. Enter your user name and password in Domain\user name and Password, and then click Sign in.

  3. Go to Recipients > Migration, click Add Add Icon, and then select Move to a different database.

  4. Under Select the users that you want to move, click Add Add Icon.

  5. In the Select Mailbox window, select the mailboxes you want to move, and then click Add Add Icon and then OK.

  6. Verify that the mailboxes you want to move are listed, and then click Next.

  7. Specify a name for the new mailbox move, and verify that Move the primary mailbox and the archive mailbox, if one exists, is selected.

  8. Under Target database, click Browse.

  9. In the Select Mailbox Database window, select a mailbox database on the Exchange 2016 server that you want to move the mailboxes to, click Add Add Icon and then OK.

  10. Verify that the mailbox database displayed in Target database is correct, and then click Next.

  11. Decide which user should receive the mailbox move report once the move is complete. By default, the current user will receive the move report. If you want to change which user receives the report, click Browse, and then select a different user.

  12. Verify Automatically start the batch is selected.

  13. Decide whether you want to have mailbox moves complete automatically. During the finalization phase, the mailbox is unavailable for a short time. If you choose to manually complete the mailbox move, you can decide when the move is finalized. For example, you might want to finalize the move during off-work hours. Select or clear Automatically complete the migration batch.


    If you chose to manually complete the mailbox move , you'll need to go to Recipients > Migration, select the mailbox migration batch you want to complete, and then click Complete this migration batch in the details pane to finalize the move. When you finalize the move, mailboxes in this batch will be unavailable for a short time. The Complete this migration batch link will be available only after the batch is ready to be completed.

  14. Click New.

How do I know this worked?

To verify that the mailbox move has completed successfully, do the following:

  1. In the EAC, go to Recipients > Migration.

  2. Select the migration batch you want to check the status of.

  3. In the details pane, you can check to see if there are any mailboxes waiting to be synced or finalized, or if there are any failed mailboxes. Click View details to see more information about the status of each mailbox in the batch.

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