Enter Passwords Page (Add Replica Wizard) for Always On availability groups

Applies to: SQL Server

This help topic describes the options of the Enter Passwords page. This topic applies to the Add Replica to Availability Group Wizard of SQL Server.

If the replicas that you selected on the Specify Replicas page contain databases that have a database master key, the Enter Passwords page appears.

Enter Passwords Options

The User databases on this instance of SQL Server grid lists every local user database. The columns are as follows:

Displays the name of a local user database.

Displays the database size, if the size is available to the wizard.

Indicates Password required for databases that have a database master key. After you enter the passwords for the database master keys in the Passwords column, click Refresh. If you entered the passwords correctly, the Status column indicates Password entered.

If the database doesn't have a database master key, the Status column indicates Password not required.

If the Status column indicates Password required, enter the password for the database master key.

Click to refresh the grid. This is useful after you enter required passwords.

See Also

Prerequisites, Restrictions, and Recommendations for Always On Availability Groups (SQL Server)