Configure Skype for Business Online meeting settings with Office 365 PowerShell


Summary: Use Office 365 PowerShell and the Set-CsMeetingConfiguration cmdlet to configure Skype for Business Online meeting settings.

Some default settings for Skype for Business Online meetings can only be set with Office 365 PowerShell commands. This topic describes the most common meeting settings that you might set with the Set-CsMeetingConfiguration cmdlet.

Before you begin

Use these instructions to get set up to run the commands (skip the steps you have already completed):

  1. Download and install the Skype for Business Online Connector module.

  2. Open a Windows PowerShell command prompt and run the following commands:

    Import-Module LyncOnlineConnector
    $userCredential = Get-Credential
    $sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $userCredential
    Import-PSSession $sfbSession

    When prompted, enter your Skype for Business Online administrator account name and password.

Configure Skype for Business Online meeting settings

Determine the following:

  • Whether you want to enable or disable anonymous users from gaining automatic entrance to each meeting.

  • Whether you want to enable or disable the ability of attendees to record the meeting.

  • Which groups of users from your organization are to be designated as presenters when they join the meeting (no users, all users in the company, or everyone).

Here are the commands:

$anonymousUsers=<Specify one ($true is default): $true $false>
$recordMeeting=<Specify one ($true is default): $true $false>
$presenters="<Specify one (Company is default): None Company Everyone>"
Set-CsMeetingConfiguration -AdmitAnonymousUsersByDefault $anonymousUsers -AllowConferenceRecording $recordMeeting -DesignateAsPresenter $presenters

Copy the commands and paste them into Notepad. For each variable (a line beginning with a "$"), specify its value by removing the other values and additional text, including the "<" and ">" characters. Copy the modified lines and paste them into your Windows PowerShell window to run them. Alternately, you can use the Windows PowerShell Integrated Script Environment (ISE).

Here is an example of a completed command set:

Set-CsMeetingConfiguration -AdmitAnonymousUsersByDefault $anonymousUsers -AllowConferenceRecording $recordMeeting -DesignateAsPresenter $presenters

See Set-CsMeetingConfiguration for additional options that you can set.

For PowerShell basics, see the Microsoft PowerShell Tutorial & Training Course from Microsoft Virtual Academy. For PowerShell basics for Office 365, see Getting started with Office 365 PowerShell.

For additional help with this procedure, please post your question and the name of this topic in the PowerShell for Office 365 group of the Office 365 Yammer Network.

See Also

Manage Skype for Business Online with Office 365 PowerShell
Manage Office 365 with Office 365 PowerShell
Getting started with Office 365 PowerShell