sys.sp_cleanup_temporal_history (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

Removes all rows from temporal history table that match configured HISTORY_RETENTION PERIOD within a single transaction.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @schema_name = ] N'schema_name'
    , [ @table_name = ] N'table_name'
    [ , [ @row_count = ] @row_count_var [ OUTPUT ] ]


[ @schema_name = ] N'schema_name'

The name of the temporal table for which retention cleanup is invoked.

[ @table_name = ] N'table_name'

The name of the schema that current temporal table belongs to.

[ @row_count = ] @row_count_var [ OUTPUT ]

The output parameter that returns number of deleted rows. If the history table has a clustered columnstore index, this parameter returns 0.


This stored procedure can be used only with temporal tables that have finite retention period specified. Use this stored procedure only if you need to immediately clean all aged rows from the history table.

sp_cleanup_temporal_history can have a negative impact on the database log and I/O subsystem, as it deletes all eligible rows within the same transaction.

It is always recommended to rely on an internal background task for cleanup that removes aged rows with the minimal impact on the regular workloads and database in general.


Requires db_owner permissions.


DECLARE @rowcnt INT;

EXEC sys.sp_cleanup_temporal_history 'dbo', 'Department', @rowcnt OUTPUT;

SELECT @rowcnt;