Change auto-numbering prefixes for contracts, cases, articles, quotes, orders, invoices, campaigns, categories, and knowledge articles


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015, Dynamics CRM Online, Dynamics CRM 2016

Contracts, cases, articles, quotes, orders, invoices, marketing campaigns, categories, and knowledge articles (the new Knowledge Article entity introduced in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update and Microsoft Dynamics 365) are automatically numbered by Microsoft Dynamics 365. If your organization has standard numbering formats, you can change the default three-character prefixes and number format to match your organization.

  1. Go to Settings > Administration > Auto-Numbering.

  2. In the Set Auto-Numbering dialog box, select the record type that you want to change.

  3. In the Prefix box, enter up to three characters, symbols, or numbers.

    Prefixes are system-wide and are used for all system-generated numbers for the selected record type. If you change the prefix for a record type, it won’t change the prefix of numbers that are already assigned.

    The prefix of the tracking token for email messages is set in the System Settings area. More information: System Settings dialog box - Email tab 

  4. In the Number box, enter the starting number.

    If you haven’t set a numbering format before, the Number box displays 1000. After you set the numbering format and save your settings, this field is set to read-only and you can’t modify it. If a custom auto-numbering solution was used, you won’t be able to change the number.

  5. Select a suffix length.

    Articles and knowledge articles don’t have suffixes. The suffix is used for records that were created while you were offline and for which the number can’t be guaranteed to be unique.

  6. Click OK to save your settings.

See Also

Edit a solution publisher