Manage projects and bookings in your calendar (Project Service)


DEPRECATED: This feature has been deprecated and is no longer available.


Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation has evolved into Dynamics 365 Project Operations. For more information, see Project Service Automation Transition.

Applies to Project Service app versions 2.x and 1.x

Microsoft 365

View personal appointments, project-work bookings, and field service work order assignments using the Microsoft 365 calendar.

With everything in one place, it’s easy to manage your day. Your meetings, appointments, bookings, and tasks are all available in your Microsoft 365 calendar.

If you’re using Project Service, you can also enter your personal appointments in the Project Service time entry view. This lets project and resource managers know your availability for projects. It also saves you time, because you don’t have to enter info about your personal appointments twice. You can simply import your personal appointments from your calendar to Project Service time entry view.

Your calendar will sync project and work order bookings from today to upcoming four weeks. This setting can’t be changed.

Syncing is only supported one way, from PSA to your Microsoft 365 calendar. You can sync in the reverse order.

To learn how to use your Microsoft 365 calendar, see Calendar in Outlook on the web for business.


Before you can see and manage your bookings on your Microsoft 365 calendar, you need to set a few things up.

Turn on synchronization for your organization (admin task)

  1. From the main menu, click Settings > Administration.

  2. Click System Settings.

  3. Click the Synchronization tab.

  4. Under Select whether to enable syncing of resource booking with, check the Synchronize resource booking with Outlook.

Turn on synchronization for your user profile (user task)

  1. Click the Settings button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Click the Synchronization tab.

  4. Under Resource booking sync with Outlook, check the Synchronization resource booking with Outlook.

Import your personal appointments (user task)

You can import your personal appointments from your calendar to Project Service Automation time entry view.

  1. Open Microsoft 365 calendar and click Import Data.

  2. On the Filters screen, select Appointments from Exchange and then click Apply.

  3. The system will pull appointments into time entry view as suggested entries from the current week. To add entries for another week, click Previous or Next.

  4. Select the appointment that you want to add to Project Service Automation time entry view.

  5. On the Time Entry popup box, select the appropriate options to convert the appointment to a Project Service Automation time entry view.

  6. Click Save.

See Also

Time, Expense, and Collaboration Guide