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OpenHeaderSource Method

Attaches a mail merge header source to the specified document.

expression.OpenHeaderSource(Name, Format, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, AddToRecentFiles, PasswordDocument, PasswordTemplate, Revert, WritePasswordDocument, WritePasswordTemplate, OpenExclusive)

expression Required. An expression that returns a MailMerge object.

Name    Required String. The file name of the header source.


WdOpenFormat can be one of these WdOpenFormat constants.
wdOpenFormatAuto Default.

ConfirmConversions    Optional Variant. True to display the Convert File dialog box if the file isn't in Microsoft Word format.

ReadOnly    Optional Variant. True to open the header source on a read-only basis.

AddToRecentFiles    Optional Variant. True to add the file name to the list of recently used files at the bottom of the File menu.

PasswordDocument    Optional Variant. The password required to open the header source document. (See Remarks below.)

PasswordTemplate    Optional Variant. The password required to open the header source template. (See Remarks below.)

Revert    Optional Variant. Controls what happens if Name is the file name of an open document. True to discard any unsaved changes to the open document and reopen the file; False to activate the open document.

WritePasswordDocument    Optional Variant. The password required to save changes to the document data source. (See Remarks below.)

WritePasswordTemplate    Optional Variant. The password required to save changes to the template data source. (See Remarks below.)

OpenExclusive   Optional Variant. True to open exclusively.


When a header source is attached, the first record in the header source is used in place of the header record in the data source.

Security   Avoid using hard-coded passwords in your applications. If a password is required in a procedure, request the password from the user, store it in a variable, and then use the variable in your code. For recommended best practices on how to do this, see Security Notes for Microsoft Office Solution Developers.


This example sets the active document as a main document for form letters, and then it attaches the header source named "Header.doc" and the data document named "Names.doc."

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
    .MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
    .OpenHeaderSource Name:="C:\Documents\Header.doc", _
         Revert:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False
    .OpenDataSource Name:="C:\Documents\Names.doc"
End With

Applies to | MailMerge Object

See Also | CreateHeaderSource Method | EditHeaderSource Method