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RunspaceFactory Class


Defines a factory class for creating Runspace objects.

public ref class RunspaceFactory abstract sealed


CreateOutOfProcessRunspace(TypeTable, PowerShellProcessInstance)

Creates an out-of-process remote Runspace.


Creates an out-of-process remote Runspace.


Creates a runspace using host of type Microsoft.PowerShell.DefaultHost.


Creates a runspace using Microsoft.PowerShell.DefaultHost

CreateRunspace(PSHost, InitialSessionState)

Creates a runspace using specified PSHost and InitialSessionState.

CreateRunspace(PSHost, RunspaceConfiguration)

Creates a runspace using specified PSHost and RunspaceConfiguration

CreateRunspace(PSHost, RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Creates a remote Runspace.


Creates a runspace using specified host. This runspace is created using the configuration information from EntryAssembly.


Creates a runspace using Microsoft.PowerShell.DefaultHost

CreateRunspace(RunspaceConnectionInfo, PSHost, TypeTable, PSPrimitiveDictionary, String)

Creates a remote Runspace.

CreateRunspace(RunspaceConnectionInfo, PSHost, TypeTable, PSPrimitiveDictionary)

Creates a remote Runspace.

CreateRunspace(RunspaceConnectionInfo, PSHost, TypeTable)

Creates a remote Runspace.


Creates a remote Runspace.


Creates a RunspacePool with MaxRunspaces 1 and MinRunspaces 1.


Creates a RunspacePool using the supplied initialSessionState. The minimum runspaces size is set to 1. The maximum runspaces size is set to 1.

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32, InitialSessionState, PSHost)

Creates a RunspacePool using the supplied initialSessionState, minRunspaces and maxRunspaces

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32, PSHost)

Creates a RunspacePool using the supplied host, minRunspaces and maxRunspaces

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32, RunspaceConnectionInfo, PSHost, TypeTable, PSPrimitiveDictionary)

Creates a RunspacePool on the specified remote runspace computer. maxRunspaces limits the number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool. The minimum pool size is set to minPoolSoze.

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32, RunspaceConnectionInfo, PSHost, TypeTable)

Creates a RunspacePool on the specified remote runspace computer. maxRunspaces limits the number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool. The minimum pool size is set to minPoolSoze.

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32, RunspaceConnectionInfo, PSHost)

Creates a RunspacePool on the specified remote runspace computer. maxRunspaces limits the number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool. The minimum pool size is set to minPoolSoze.

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32, RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Creates a RunspacePool on the specified remote computer. maxRunspaces limits the number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool. The minimum pool size is set to minPoolSoze.

CreateRunspacePool(Int32, Int32)

Creates a RunspacePool maxRunspaces limits the number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool. The minimum pool size is set to minPoolSoze.

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