Tip: Cmdlets to manage Exchange Control Panel from a Command-Line
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You can manage the Exchange Control Panel application using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager or the Exchange Management Shell. The related commands for the Exchange Management Shell are as follows:
get-eCpVirtualdirectory Displays information about the Exchange Control Panel application running on the Web server providing services for Exchange.
Get-ECPVirtualDirectory [-Identity AppName]
new-eCpVirtualdirectory Creates a new Exchange Control Panel application running on the Web server providing services for Exchange. You should use this command only for troubleshooting scenarios in which you need to remove and re-create the Exchange Control Panel virtual directory.
New-ECPVirtualDirectory [-AppPoolId AppPoolName]
remove-eCpVirtualdirectory Removes a specified Exchange Control Panel application running on the Client Access server providing services for Exchange.
Remove-ECPVirtualDirectory -Identity AppName
set-eCpVirtualdirectory Modifi es the configuration settings for a specified Exchange Control Panel application running on the Client Access server providing services for Exchange.
Set-ECPVirtualDirectory -Identity AppName
[-BasicAuthentication <$true | $false>] [-DomainController DomainControllerName]
[-ExternalAuthenticationMethods Methods]
[-FormsAuthentication <$true | $false>]
[-ExternalUrl URL] [-GzipLevel <Off | Low | High | Error>]
[-InternalUrl URL] [-LiveIdAuthentication <$true | $false>]
[-WindowsAuthentication <$true | $false>]
Tip adapted from Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, by William R. Stanek.