December 2018

Volume 33 Number 12

Cognitive Services - Gain Insight from Conversations Using Process Mining with LUIS

[Cognitive Services]

Gain Insight from Conversations Using Process Mining with LUIS

Zvi Topol

Effective conversations between chatbots and users require an understanding of interactions, and in particular of the flow of intents in dialogs. Learn how to gain insights into conversational flows to help identify areas where the bot can be improved to yield more productive and satisfying conversations.

Editor's Note - December Is for DevelopersColumn

Connect(); 2018 Special Issue


The Connect(); conference is part of a larger conversation between Microsoft and its developer community. This special issue of MSDN Magazine explores the vision Microsoft has articulated and how it will impact developers.

Containers - Up and Running with Azure Kubernetes Services


Up and Running with Azure Kubernetes Services

Chander Dhall

In this article, Chander Dhall demonstrates how to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster, create a secure Azure Container Registry, deploy an ASP.NET Web API application, and expose that application on the Internet via a Kubernetes Ingress and Azure DNS.

Data Points - Manage Data Across Multiple Sources with Azure Data StudioColumn

[Data Points]

Manage Data Across Multiple Sources with Azure Data Studio

Julie Lerman

Azure Data Studio, now the official name of SQL Operations Studio, was released in September. The biggest news regarding the release is the extensions that are now available, as Julie Lerman describes.

Internet of Things - Rapid IoT Development with Azure IoT Central

[Internet of Things]

Rapid IoT Development with Azure IoT Central

Dawid Borycki

Learn how to use Azure IoT Central to create a custom IoT Central app that shows telemetry data, device location and its settings, as well as two key performance indicators.

The Working Programmer - How To Be MEAN: End to EndColumn

[The Working Programmer]

How To Be MEAN: End to End

Ted Neward

In his 30th—and last—column on the MEAN stack, Ted Neward covers end-to-end testing in Angular, which looks to test the system as a whole and tries to ensure that the front end is communicating effectively with the back end.

Containers - Using Azure Containers to Provide an On-Demand R Server


Using Azure Containers to Provide an On-Demand R Server

Will Stott

Master the key steps in developing a simple ASP.NET Core 2.1 Web App that submits data to a logistic regression classifier implemented in R to obtain better quality control data for ultrasound scans. The article shows how Azure Containers, Docker, Azure Event Grid and Azure Functions are combined to implement a real-world application.

Artificially Intelligent - Market Basket AnalysisColumn

[Artificially Intelligent]

Market Basket Analysis

Frank La

Market Basket Analysis, also known as Affinity Analysis, is a modeling technique based on the theory that if a customer buys a certain group of items, he or she is more likely to purchase another group of items. Frank La Vigne explores the workings of this effective recommendation system.

Cutting Edge - Blazor Custom ComponentsColumn

[Cutting Edge]

Blazor Custom Components

Dino Esposito

The .NET revolution in the browser continues. This month, Dino Esposito explains how Blazor components raise the abstraction level of the markup language used to describe static and interactive content.

Test Run - Autoencoders for Visualization Using CNTKColumn

[Test Run]

Autoencoders for Visualization Using CNTK

James McCaffrey

Graphing data that has just two dimensions is easy, but what if your data has multiple dimensions? James McCaffrey shows how you can create a CNTK neural network autoencoder to condense each item down to two dimensions, in order to enhance visualization of the data.

Don't Get Me Started - SenioritisColumn

[Don't Get Me Started]


David S. Platt

The Baby Boomer generation is aging, but high technology isn't doing good job of aging with them, says David Platt in this month's Don't Get Me Started column. How can consumer devices and services like smartphones and TV remote controls better serve the challenges of this growing population?

Editor's Note - End of an EraColumn

[Editor's Note]

End of an Era

Michael Desmond

Ted Neward started his tour of JavaScript development with the MEAN stack way back in 2015. Three years later he's closing the books on MongoDB, Angular and Node.js. Here's what he's learned.