Ensure that multiple services are running


This example shows how you can use the ServiceSet composite resource to ensure multiple services exist and are running.

With Ensure set to Present, State set to Running, and Name set tthe array of Dhcp and MpsSvc, the resource starts the Dhcp and MpsSvc services if they aren't running.

If either service doesn't exist, the resource raises an exception. The ServiceSet composite resource can't create services, only manage or remove existing ones. To create a service if it doesn't exist, use the Service resource.

With Invoke-DscResource

The Invoke-DscResource cmdlet doesn't support invoking composite resources. Instead, use the Service resource.

With a Configuration

This snippet shows how you can define a Configuration with a ServiceSet resource block to ensure that the Dhcp and MpsSvc services are running.

Configuration Start {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDscResources'

    Node localhost {
        ServiceSet ExampleServiceSet {
            Name   = @(
            Ensure = 'Present'
            State  = 'Running'