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Administering and Configuring the UNIX/Linux Agent


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

This topic describes options to administer and configure the UNIX/Linux agent for System Center – Operations Manager.

Agent Directories

  • The UNIX/Linux agent installs to the directory: /opt/microsoft/scx/

  • The UNIX/Linux agent maintains log files in the directory: /var/opt/microsoft/scx/log/

  • Agent configuration files, including certificates, are stored in the directory: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/

Agent Administration Tools

In this section, tools to administer and configure the UNIX/Linux agent are described.

Running the Agent Administration Tools

The tools for configuring the UNIX/Linux Agent are located in the directory:


Prior to running the tools, the file /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/ must be sourced. This can be done with the following command:

. /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/


The scxadmin tool is used to control the state of the UNIX/Linux agent (start, stop, or restart) as well as control logging performed by the agent. The usage of the tool can be displayed with the following command: scxadmin -?

        # /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -?

Usage: scxadmin
Generic options (for all commands)
  [-quiet]      Set quiet mode (no output)

        General Options
scxadmin -version

        Service Management
scxadmin {-start|-stop|-restart|-status}  [all|cimom|provider]

        Providers Management
scxadmin -config-list {RunAs}
scxadmin -config-set {RunAs} {CWD=<directory>|ChRootPath=<directory>|AllowRoot={true|false}}
scxadmin -config-reset {RunAs} [CWD|ChRootPath|AllowRoot]

        Log Configuration Management
scxadmin {-log-list|-log-rotate|-log-reset} [all|cimom|provider]
scxadmin -log-set [all|cimom|provider] {verbose|intermediate|errors}
scxadmin -log-set provider {{FILE:<path>|STDOUT}:<module-id>={SUPPRESS|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|TRACE|HYSTERICAL}}
scxadmin {-log-reset|-log-remove} provider [{FILE:<path>|STDOUT}]


Restarting the agent:

cd /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/
./scxadmin -restart

Increase all logging to the Intermediate level:

cd /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/
./scxadmin –log-set all intermediate


The scxsslconfig tool is used to generate the certificate in /etc/opt/Microsoft/scx/ssl/. This tool is useful in correcting issues in which the fully-qualified domain name cannot be determined from the UNIX or Linux host itself, or the FQDN known to the UNIX/Linux host does not match the FQDN used by the Operations Manager server to reach the host.


The generated certificate must be signed by Operations Manager in order to be used in WS-Management communication. Overwriting a previously signed certificate will require that the certificate be signed again.

Usage for the scxsslconfig tool can be displayed with the following command: scxsslconfig -?

# /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxsslconfig -?
Usage: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/.scxsslconfig [-v] [-s days] [-e days] [-d domain] [-h host] [-g targetpath]

-v             - toggle debug flag
-g targetpath  - generate certificates in targetpath
-s days        - days to offset valid start date with (0)
-e days        - days to offset valid end date with (3650)
-f             - force certificate to be generated even if one exists
-d domain      - domain name
-h host        - host name
-b bits        - number of key bits
-?             - this help message


Regenerate the certificate, forcing overwrite of an existing certificate, with verbose output:

cd /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/
/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxsslconfig -f -v

Regenerate the certificate, forcing overwrite of an existing certificate, with a specified hostname and DNS domain name:

cd /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/
/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxsslconfig -f –h myserver –d

Additional Configuration Topics

SSL Ciphers

If required, the SSL cipher list used by the UNIX/Linux agent can be customized. For more information about this configuration, see the Configuring SSL Ciphers topic.

Universal Linux – Operating System Name/Version

The Universal Linux Agent, which supports Linux operating systems such as CentOS, Debian GNU/Linux, Oracle Linux, and Ubuntu Server, parses release files to determine the host’s operating system name and version. If required, these properties can be customized. To customize the operating system properties presented to Operations Manager for a Universal Linux Agent host, use the following procedure:

Create the file disablereleasefileupdates in the directory: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/.

touch /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/disablereleasefileupdates

If this file exists, the agent will not attempt to update the operating system properties that are returned to Operations Manager. This ensures that the customizations are preserved.

Edit the file scx-release in the directory: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf. This file has the format:

OSFullName=CentOS 6.0 (x86_64)

The values of the OSName, OSVersion, and OSFullName properties can be edited to reflect customized values.


The OSAlias property should not be edited. All properties in this file (except for OSManufacturer) are mandatory and should not be null.