IWebBrowser2::Silent Property

Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the object can display dialog boxes.


HRESULT IWebBrowser2::get_Silent(VARIANT_BOOL *pbSilent);
HRESULT IWebBrowser2::put_Silent(VARIANT_BOOL bSilent);


  • pbSilent
    Pointer to a variable of type VARIANT_BOOL that receives one of the values listed in Possible Values.
  • bSilent
    VARIANT_BOOL that specifies one of the values listed in Possible Values.

Possible Values

VARIANT_FALSE Default. Dialog boxes and messages can be displayed. Critical errors and security alerts are not suppressed.
VARIANT_TRUE Dialog boxes are not displayed.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


The WebBrowser object delegates this method to the top-level frame. If no frame exists, it returns E_FAIL.