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Software Distribution View Reference

There is no official software distribution view classification, but because several views contain information directly related to the distribution process, they have been grouped together and will be referred to as the software distribution views. These views contain information such as package ID, advertisement ID, collection ID, time package was presented, time that the advertisement expires, distribution point locations, and so forth.

Software Distribution Views

The software distribution views can be used to query for information about packages, programs, advertisements, distribution points, and so forth. These views will most often be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID, PackageID, or CollectionID columns. The software distribution views are listed and described in the following table.

Software Distribution View



Lists the advertisement ID, advertisement name, package ID, program name, collection ID, advertisement flags, and so forth. The v_Advertisement view is similar to the v_AdvertisementInfo view, but with additional time and flag data.

The view can be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID, PackageID, and CollectionID columns.


Lists the advertisement ID, advertisement name, package ID, program name, collection ID, advertisement flags, and so forth. The v_AdvertisementInfo view is similar to the v_Advertisement view, but with additional package data.

The view can be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID, PackageID, and CollectionID columns.


Lists the package ID, NAL path of distribution point(s) assigned to the package, site code, site name, source site, last refresh time, status, and so forth.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID and NALPath columns.


Lists the distribution point group name and NAL path of the distribution point.

The view can be joined to other views by using the NALPath column.


Lists the SMS supported platforms (operating system, architecture, and versions) on which the specified program can run. The view contains the package ID, program name, operating system name, platform, and minimum and maximum operating system versions.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID column.


Lists the package ID, package name, the path of the package source files, source site, priority, package flags, last refresh time, and so forth.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID or Name columns.


Lists the program name, package ID, program command line, dependent programs, program flags, and so forth.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID or ProgramName columns.