

Retrieves the name of the file that contains the logo for the Remote Web Access website.


Get-WssRemoteWebAccessLogo [ <CommonParameters>]

Descripción detallada

The Get-WssRemoteWebAccessLogo cmdlet retrieves the name of the file that contains the logo for the Remote Web Access website in . The logo image customizes the appearance of the Remote Web Access website.



Este cmdlet admite los siguientes parámetros comunes: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer y -OutVariable. Para obtener más información, consulte about_CommonParameters (


El tipo de entrada es el tipo de los objetos que se pueden canalizar al cmdlet.


El tipo de resultado es el tipo de objetos que emite el cmdlet.

  • System.String

    This cmdlet generates a string object that represents the filename of customized logo. The cmdlet does not generate any output if Remote Web Access uses the default logo.


Example 1: Retrieve the name of the logo file

This command retrieves the name of the file that contains the logo for the Remote Web Access website.

PS C:\> Get-WssRemoteWebAccessLogo

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