

Gets the current global client backup policy.


Get-WssGlobalClientBackupPolicy [ <CommonParameters>]

Descripción detallada

The Get-WssGlobalClientBackupPolicy cmdlet gets the current global client backup policy. This policy includes the following values:

-- BackupStartTime. The beginning of the backup window. The default value is 18:00.
-- BackupEndTime. The end of the backup window. The default value is 9:00.
-- DailyRetainCount. The number of daily backups to keep. The default value is five.
-- WeeklyRetainCount. The number of weekly backups to keep. The default value is four.
-- MonthlyRetainCount. The number of monthly backups to keep. The default value is six.
-- YearlyRetainCount. The number of yearly backups to keep. The default value is ten.

You can use the Set-WssGlobalClientBackupPolicy cmdlet to change any of these settings, or to reset all settings to their default values.



Este cmdlet admite los siguientes parámetros comunes: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer y -OutVariable. Para obtener más información, consulte about_CommonParameters (


El tipo de entrada es el tipo de los objetos que se pueden canalizar al cmdlet.

  • Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.DataProtection.PCBackup.BackupUtil.WcfContracts.PCBackupConfiguration


El tipo de resultado es el tipo de objetos que emite el cmdlet.

  • Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.DataProtection.PCBackup.BackupUtil.WcfContracts.PCBackupConfiguration

    This cmdlet generates the PC backup configuration.


Example 1: Get the global client backup policy

This command gets the global client backup policy.

PS C:\> Get-WssGlobalClientBackupPolicy

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