Deployment Imaging Servicing Management (DISM) Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Se aplica a: Windows 8.1, Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows PowerShell® es un lenguaje de scripting y shell de línea de comandos basado en tareas diseñado especialmente para la administración del sistema. En este tema de referencia para los profesionales de tecnologías de la información (TI) ofrece ayuda en el uso de los cmdlets de Windows PowerShell para crear scripts y automatizar las tareas.

The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) platform is used to mount and service Windows® images before deployment. A subset of DISM commands can be used on online Windows images. You can use DISM tools to mount, and get information about, Windows image (.wim) files or virtual hard disks (.vhd or .vhdx). You can also use it to install, uninstall, configure, and update Windows features, packages, and drivers in a Windows image or to change the edition of a Windows image.


This topic introduces the DISM cmdlets available in the DISM PowerShell module. This module is available in Windows® 8,1 and Windows Server® 2012 R2. On other supported operating systems, you can install the DISM module from the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK). For more information about how to use the DISM PowerShell module installed with the ADK, see How to Use DISM in Windows PowerShell.

For and Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows PowerShell 4.0 is included in the installation. For other supported versions of Windows and Windows Server, (including Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1), you must install Windows Management Framework 4.0. You can download and install Windows Management Framework 4.0 from the Microsoft Download Center.

The DISM platform also includes a command-line tool, DISM.exe, and the DISM API. The command-line tool is available in the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) and includes additional functionality that supports servicing commands for international settings.

You can check for errors when running DISM cmdlets by checking if the $?. If set to True the last operation succeeded. If False the last operation failed. The $LASTEXITCODE contains the exit code of the last Win32 executable run. For example, to check that the Get-WindowsImage cmdlet fails to get information about the Windows image contained in the file, E:\images\c.wim, type the following:

         Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath E:\images\c.wim
       $message = "TRAPPED: {0}: '{1}'" -f ($_.Exception.GetType().FullName), ($_.Exception.Message)
        Write-host $message

For more information about error handling, see the about_Try_Catch_Finally.

Cmdlet Description


Adds an app package (.appx) that will install for each new user to a Windows image.


Adds a driver to an offline Windows image.


Adds an additional image to an existing image (.wim) file.


Adds a single .cab or .msu file to a Windows image.


Deletes all of the resources that are associated with a mounted image that has been corrupted.


Disables a feature in a Windows image.


Dismounts a Windows image from the directory that it is mapped to.


Enables a feature in a Windows image.


Expands an image to a specified location.


Exports a copy of the specified image to another file.


Gets information about app packages (.appx) that are set to install for each new user in an image.


Gets information about drivers in a Windows image.


Gets edition information about a Windows image.


Gets information about a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file.


Displays a list of the files and folders in a specified image.


Gets information about optional features in a Windows image.


Gets information about packages in a Windows image.


Mounts a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file to a directory on the local computer.


Captures an image of a drive to a new WIM file.


Removes app packages (.appx) from a Windows image.


Removes a driver from an offline Windows image.


Removes the specified volume image from a WIM file that has multiple volume images.


Removes a package from a Windows image.


Repairs a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file.


Applies changes made to a mounted image to its WIM or VHD file.


Adds custom data into the specified app (.appx) package that has been provisioned in a Windows image.


Changes a Windows image to a higher edition.


Sets the product key for the Windows image.


Splits an existing .wim file into multiple read-only split .wim files.


Applies an unattended answer file to a Windows image.


To list all the cmdlets that are available, use the Get-Command –Module Dism cmdlet.

Para conocer más información o la sintaxis de cualquiera de los cmdlets, use el cmdlet Get-Help <nombre de cmdlet>, donde <nombre de cmdlet> es el nombre del cmdlet del que quiere información. Para obtener información más detallada, puede ejecutar cualquiera de los siguientes cmdlets:

Get-Help <nombre de cmdlet> -Detailed
Get-Help <nombre de cmdlet> -Examples
Get-Help <nombre de cmdlet> -Full

See Also

Other Resources

Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Technical Reference
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK)