

Gets the certificate for remote management.


Get-HcsRemoteManagementCert [ <CommonParameters>]

Descripción detallada

The Get-HcsRemoteManagementCert cmdlet gets the certificate for Windows PowerShell® remote management. Add the certificate to the trusted root certificate store on clients in order to connect to the device over HTTPS. Copy the text into a .cer file to install the certificate by using the certificate import wizard. Each device has a unique certificate. You can regenerate a certificate by using the Set-HcsRemoteManagementCert cmdlet. If you regenerate a certificate, the existing certificate becomes invalid.



Este cmdlet admite los siguientes parámetros comunes: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer y -OutVariable. Para obtener más información, consulte about_CommonParameters (


El tipo de entrada es el tipo de los objetos que se pueden canalizar al cmdlet.


El tipo de resultado es el tipo de objetos que emite el cmdlet.


Example 1: Get a certificate for remote management

This command gets the certificate to use for Windows PowerShell remote management. Each device has a unique certificate. You cannot copy this example output.

PS C:\> Get-HcsRemoteManagementCert

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