
Se aplica a: Windows 8.1, Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows Server 2012 R2


Displays the highest Update Sequence Number (USN) for the specified domain controller.


Parameter Set: Target
Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable [-Target] <Object[]> [[-Partition] <String[]> ] [-AuthType <ADAuthType> {Negotiate | Basic} ] [-Credential <PSCredential> ] [-EnumerationServer <String> ] [-Filter <String> ] [ <CommonParameters>]

Parameter Set: Scope
Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable [[-Target] <Object[]> ] [-Scope] <ADScopeType> {Domain | Forest | Server | Site} [[-Partition] <String[]> ] [-AuthType <ADAuthType> {Negotiate | Basic} ] [-Credential <PSCredential> ] [-EnumerationServer <String> ] [-Filter <String> ] [ <CommonParameters>]

Descripción detallada

The Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable cmdlet displays the highest Update Sequence Number (USN) for the specified domain controller(s). This information shows how up-to-date a replica is with its replication partners. During replication, each object that is replicated has USN and if the object is modified, the USN is incremented. The value of the USN for a given object is local to each domain controller where it has replicated are number is different on each domain controller.



Specifies the authentication method to use. Los valores aceptables para este parámetro son los siguientes:

-- Negotiate or 0
-- Basic or 1

The default authentication method is Negotiate.

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection is required for the Basic authentication method.







Valor predeterminado


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Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.

Type a user name, such as User01 or Domain01\User01, or enter a PSCredential object, such as one generated by the Get-Credential cmdlet. If you type a user name, you will be prompted for a password.

This parameter is not supported by any providers installed with Windows PowerShell.







Valor predeterminado


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Specifies the Servicios de dominio de Active Directory instance to connect to, by providing one of the following values for a corresponding domain name or directory server. The service may be any of the following: Active Directory Lightweight Domain Services, Servicios de dominio de Active Directory or Active Directory Snapshot instance.

Specify the instance in one of the following ways:

Domain name values:

-- Fully qualified domain name
-- NetBIOS name

Directory server values:

-- Fully qualified directory server name
-- NetBIOS name
-- Fully qualified directory server name and port

The default value for this parameter is determined by one of the following methods in the order that they are listed:

-- By using the Server value from objects passed through the pipeline
-- By using the server information associated with the Servicios de dominio de Active Directory Windows PowerShell provider drive, when the cmdlet runs in that drive
-- By using the domain of the computer running Windows PowerShell







Valor predeterminado


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Specifies a filter in the provider's format or language. The value of this parameter qualifies the Path parameter. The syntax of the filter, including the use of wildcards, depends on the provider. Filters are more efficient than other parameters, because the provider applies them when retrieving the objects, rather than having Windows PowerShell filter the objects after they are retrieved.







Valor predeterminado


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Specifies the distinguished name of an Active Directory partition. The distinguished name must be one of the naming contexts on the current directory server. The cmdlet searches this partition to find the object defined by the Identity parameter.

In many cases, a default value is used for the Partition parameter if no value is specified. The rules for determining the default value are given below. Note that rules listed first are evaluated first and once a default value can be determined, no further rules are evaluated.

In Servicios de dominio de Active Directory (AD DS) environments, a default value for Partition is set in the following cases:

-- If the Identity parameter is set to a distinguished name, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from this distinguished name.
-- If running cmdlets from an Active Directory provider drive, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from the current path in the drive.
-- If none of the previous cases apply, the default value of Partition is set to the default partition or naming context of the target domain. In Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) environments, a default value for Partition is set in the following cases:

-- If the Identity parameter is set to a distinguished name, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from this distinguished name.
-- If running cmdlets from an Active Directory provider drive, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from the current path in the drive.
-- If the target AD LDS instance has a default naming context, the default value of Partition is set to the default naming context. To specify a default naming context for an AD LDS environment, set the msDS-defaultNamingContext property of the Active Directory directory service agent object (nTDSDSA) for the AD LDS instance.
-- If none of the previous cases apply, the Partition parameter does not take any default value.







Valor predeterminado

DefaultNC; Provider: Default is to use the Partition that you are currently in. Else, use DefaultNC (IE: If you are in the RootDSE)

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Specifies the type of object used as input by the Target parameter. Los valores aceptables para este parámetro son los siguientes:

-- Server
-- Site
-- Domain
-- Forest







Valor predeterminado


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Specifies either one or more (using a comma separated list) of Active Directory domain controllers, sites, domains, or forests. It will return results for all the domain controllers that are specified or that are part of the specified container.







Valor predeterminado

DCLocator; Provider: -Server of the connected drive

¿Aceptar canalización?

True (ByValue)

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Este cmdlet admite los siguientes parámetros comunes: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer y -OutVariable. Para obtener más información, consulte about_CommonParameters (


El tipo de entrada es el tipo de los objetos que se pueden canalizar al cmdlet.

  • Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADDirectoryServer

    A class structure that contains one or more Active Directory server objects.


El tipo de resultado es el tipo de objetos que emite el cmdlet.

  • Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADReplicationUpToDatenessVector

    A class structure that contains one or more Active Directory replication up-to-dateness (UTD) vector tables.


Example 1: Get the highest USN for the default partition

This command gets the highest USN information for the default partition from corp-DC01.

PS C:\> Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable -Target corp-DC01

Example 2: Get the highest USN for the default partition

This command gets the highest USN information for the default partition from corp-DC01.

PS C:\> Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable -Target corp-DC01 -Scope Server

Example 3: Get the highest USN for a schema partition

This command gets the highest USN information for the schema partition from corp-DC01 and corp-DC02.

PS C:\> Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable -Target corp-DC01,corp-DC02 -Partition Schema

Example 4: Get the highest USN for all partitions for all domain controllers in a site

This command gets the highest USN for all partitions from all the domain controllers in site NorthAmerica.

PS C:\> Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable -Target NorthAmerica -Scope Site -Partition *

Example 5: Get the highest USN for the default partition from all domain controllers in a domain

This command gets the highest USN for the default partition from all the domain controllers in domain

PS C:\> Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable -Target "" -Scope Domain -Partition Default

Example 6: Get the highest USN for the configuration partition from all domain controllers in a forest

This command gets the highest USN for the configuration partition from all the domain controllers in forest

PS C:\> Get-ADReplicationUpToDatenessVectorTable -Target "" -Scope Forest -Partition Configuration