Scripts de configuración de salas del Sistema de salas de Skype

Lea este artículo para encontrar scripts de ejemplo para el aprovisionamiento de cuentas de Skype Room System.

En esta sección se muestran scripts de ejemplo que se pueden usar para aprovisionar cuentas de Sistema de salas de Skype. Estos guiones son solo para fines ilustrativos. Solo deben usarse después de consultar con su experto de TI o administrador de dominios.

Script de configuración de ejemplo: Skype Empresarial y Exchange Server (local)

# On Exchange 
Set-Mailbox -Identity -MailTip "This room is equipped with Lync Meeting Room (LRS), please make it a 
Lync Meeting to take advantage of enhanced meeting experience from LRS"

Set-CalendarProcessing -id -RemovePrivateProperty $false -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -AddAdditionalResponse 
$true -AdditionalResponse "This is an LRS room!" -DeleteSubject $false -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept 
# The following is used to preserve the Lync Meeting invitations - so create these based on your Lync Federated partners# Per Lync Federated Partner as a Recommended Practice to ensure Meetings show in Lync with Join#New-RemoteDomain -DomainName -Name Microsoft$true#Set-RemoteDomain -Identity Microsoft -TNEFEnabled $true
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "conference room"# Paste the next command on its own. Enter a blank password first, then enter the new password "password" twiceEnable-ADAccount -Identity "confroom"# On LyncEnable-CsMeetingRoom -SipAddress "" -RegistrarPool -Identity 'conference room' 
Set-CsMeetingRoom -Identity "conference room" -LineURI "tel:+14255551669;ext=1669" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true

Script de configuración de ejemplo: Skype Empresarial y Exchange Server Online

Asegúrese de haber revisado los siguientes requisitos previos antes de ejecutar el script:

  • Asistente para el inicio de sesión de Microsoft Online Services para profesionales de TI BETA

  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory módulo para Windows PowerShell (versión de 64 bits) o (versión de 32 bits)

  • Módulo de PowerShell de Teams

  • Reinicie si es necesario

# Note you have to enter each command one at a time and update any bold fields for your environment
$rmURI="$rm@$org"$newpass='MyPass@word1'# This Section Signs into Remote PowerShell
$cred=Get-Credential admin@$org
$sess=New-PSSession -ConfigurationName -Credential $cred -AllowRedirection -Authentication basic -ConnectionUri
Import-PSSession $sess
Import-Module MicrosoftTeams
$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $credential
Connect-MgGraph -Credential $cred# This Section Create the Calendar Mailbox and Enables it for Lync
New-Mailbox -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID $rmURI -room -Name $rm -RoomMailboxPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $newpass -AsPlainText -Force)
 -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true

Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $rmURI -DeleteSubject $false -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept 
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $rmURI -RemovePrivateProperty $false -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -AddAdditionalResponse $true -AdditionalResponse
 "This is an LRS room!"# Configure the Account to Not Expire
Update-MgUser -UserPrincipalName $rm -PasswordNeverExpires $true# You need to detect your Lync Pool Registrar name. Using a normal Offic365/LyncOnline user account from your tenant, run the next command and update the RegistrarPool value for the second command coming up
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity '' | fl *registrar*# Update with above result
Enable-CsMeetingRoom -Identity $rmURI -RegistrarPool "" -SipAddressType EmailAddress
# If the previous command fails with an error regarding the account name not being found you might need to wait and try again in a few minutes. If you wait too long, you'll need to sign in again to remote PowerShell as detailed above.