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Considerations for Display Strings in Unsealed Management Packs (Optional)

Se aplica a: System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1

In Service Manager, in various management packs, you will see many display strings in the Consola de Service Manager. The display strings in the English version of Service Manager are written in English only. In Service Manager 2010 International, each supported language has display strings in that language. Display strings can change in several ways. They can change, for example, if you made changes to views, tasks, forms, or list items; if you used an authoring console to edit a management pack; or if you used a Consola de Service Manager on a computer where the locale setting was something other than English. The information in this section describes display string considerations and is optional; you must follow it only if you made changes to display strings.

The following illustration shows one way to change display strings by changing the list items for an Incident Classification. In this example, an existing display string "Printing Problems" was renamed "Laser Printers". A new display string "Check-Writing Printers" was created, and another display string "Other Problems" was deleted. The implications of performing an upgrade on display strings, and the procedures for upgrading both the international and English versions of System Center Service Manager 2010 are outlined in this section.

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Upgrading from the International Version of System Center Service Manager

Any changes you made to the display strings in the international version of System Center Service Manager 2010 are preserved when you upgrade to Service Manager SP1. The functionality of the unsealed management packs in System Center Service Manager 2010 is the same in Service Manager SP1.


If you manually import Service Manager SP1 management packs by using the Consola de Service Manager after the upgrade, you will lose all your customizations.

Upgrading from the English Version of System Center Service Manager

In the English version of System Center Service Manager 2010, all of the display strings in the unsealed management packs were written in English. The following sections describe various scenarios about the causes why display strings could have changed and the actions you must consider before you perform an upgrade.

No changes were made to the display strings

If you did not change any display strings, you can proceed with the upgrade to Service Manager SP1. When performing an upgrade of the English version of Service Manager to the international version of Service Manager SP1, additional translations for all of the default display strings that originally were included with Service Manager are added.

A display string was deleted

Display strings and their associated management pack elements that are deleted are lost and will not be reinstalled during the upgrade to Service Manager SP1. No action is required on your part.

A display string was added

If you added a new display string, for example, you added "Check-Writing Printers" to a list of Incident Classifications, no new display strings in English or any other language will be created during the upgrade to Service Manager SP1. If needed, create your own localized entries for the display strings you added by opening the Consola de Service Manager in the desired language and editing the English string.

An English display string was changed

If, in the original release of Service Manager, you changed an English display string, for example, you changed "Printing Problems" to "Laser Printers", the upgrade to Service Manager SP1 will preserve the change you made. However, for all of the additional languages introduced in Service Manager SP1, the non-English management pack display strings will be associated with the original English display string (“Printing Problem”). For all the non-English languages, you will need to change the display strings to reflect the English meaning in the non-English language. In this example, for each non-English language, you will need to replace “Printing Problems” with “Laser Printer”.

A display string was changed by using a non-English Service Manager console

If an English display string in one of the management packs that shipped with Service Manager is left in its original form and a new display string is created for a non-English language, then, during the upgrade, the non-English string will be overwritten with Service Manager localized terms, but only if the non-English string is in one of the supported languages in Service Manager SP1. You have to open a Consola de Service Manager in the non-English language, check the translated display string, and if necessary, recreate the changes you originally made.

A new display string was added by using a non-English Service Manager console

New display strings will be created for both English and non-English versions. No action is required on your part.