Step 3 Verify the Deployment

Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016

This article describes how to verify that you've correctly configured your deployment for remote management of DirectAccess clients.

To verify proper deployment

  1. Connect a DirectAccess client computer to the corporate network and obtain the Group Policy Object.

  2. On the client computer, select the Network connections icon in the notification area to access the DirectAccess Media Manager.

  3. Select DirectAccess Connection. You'll see that the status is Locally Connected.

  4. Remove the computer from the corporate network and connect it to a public network.

  5. In the command prompt, type nltest /dsgetdc: [fully qualified domain name]. This command verifies that the corporate network is accessible to the client. If the domain controller isn't accessible, the error message ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN will display, reporting that the domain doesn't exist.